Spanish Writing Exam

From my point of view
Desde mi punto de vista
1 of 86
How silly!
¡Que tonta!
2 of 86
One can find
Se puede encontrar
3 of 86
My parents say that
Mis padres dicen que
4 of 86
According to scientists/experts
Según los científicos/expertos
5 of 86
Comoquiera/Sin embargo
6 of 86
Like it's all that matters
Como si fuese lo único que importase
7 of 86
I hope it's not
Ojalá no sea
8 of 86
9 of 86
At the moment I am broke
De momento estoy sin blanca
10 of 86
Beware of strangers
Tener cuidado con desconocidos
11 of 86
I would say that
Diría que
12 of 86
They make fun of me
Se burlan de mi
13 of 86
Perhaps I will learn
Quizás aprenderé
14 of 86
15 of 86
The following day
Al día siguente
16 of 86
It's a piece of cake
Es pan comido
17 of 86
I tell it like it is/I am straightforward
No tengo pelos en la lengua
18 of 86
It makes me happy/sad/laugh
Me hace feliz/triste/reír
19 of 86
20 of 86
It follows the lives of
Sigue las vidas de
21 of 86
I am hooked on my phone
Estoy enganchado a mi móvil
22 of 86
The only bad thing
Lo único malo
23 of 86
A waste of time
Una pérdida de tiempo
24 of 86
Por suerte
25 of 86
Sobre todo
26 of 86
27 of 86
They alleviate nerves
Alivian los nervicios
28 of 86
I understand how it feels
Entiendo como se siente
29 of 86
To be deep in worries
Estar con el agua al cuello
30 of 86
The biggest problem is
El mayor problema es
31 of 86
What worries me the most is
Lo que más me preocupa es
32 of 86
33 of 86
Lack of
La falta de
34 of 86
In my opinion
A mi parecer/A mi juicio
35 of 86
Subjunctive = it's absolutely necessary that
Es imprescindible que
36 of 86
Subjunctive = it's essential that
Es esencial que
37 of 86
Subjunctive = it's unfair that
No es justo que
38 of 86
Subjunctive = it's necessary that
Es necesario que
39 of 86
To turn a blind eye
Taparse los ojos
40 of 86
It's a shame
Es una lástima
41 of 86
The children are the future
Los niños son el futuro
42 of 86
They damage the ozone layer
Dañan la capa de ozono
43 of 86
Reduce our carbon footprint
Reduce nuestra huella de carbono
44 of 86
One should help
Se debería ayudar
45 of 86
It's absolutely necessary that we are conscious
Es imprescindible que seamos conscientes
46 of 86
Sin hogar/sin techo
47 of 86
It's worth it
Vale la pena
48 of 86
The early bird catches the worm
A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda
49 of 86
Without a doubt
Sin duda
50 of 86
I am crazy about
Me chifla
51 of 86
To have new experiences
Tener experiencias nuevas
52 of 86
To save (a person, an animal, the world)
53 of 86
To save (resources - water, energy, food)
54 of 86
Simply to help those in need
Simplemente por ayudar a los más necesitados.
55 of 86
It raises self esteem
Refuerza la autoestima
56 of 86
It shows that you are a person that is concerned about others
Muestras que eres una persona que se preocupa por los demás
57 of 86
You can gain lots of skills
Puedes adquidirir muchísimas habilidades
58 of 86
It should be valued
Debe ser valorado
59 of 86
It's good for the heart
Es bueno para el corazón
60 of 86
61 of 86
Above all
Sobre todo
62 of 86
To do your bit
Poner tu granito de arena
63 of 86
Por que/dado que/ya que
64 of 86
65 of 86
Given that
Puesto que
66 of 86
Mientras que
67 of 86
As a result
Como resultado
68 of 86
It's a well known fact that
Es un hecho bien sabido que
69 of 86
It's a complicated/worrying topic
Es un tema complicado/preocupante
70 of 86
It's often said that
Se suele afirmar que
71 of 86
Sometimes it's forgotten that
A veces se olvida que
72 of 86
73 of 86
There is a serious problem
There is a serious problem
74 of 86
A flawed society
Una sociedad con fallos
75 of 86
A good role model is someone who
Un buen modelo a seguir es aguien que
76 of 86
To see the positive in this
Ver el lado positivo de las cosas
77 of 86
It's important to see the bright side of the dark
Es importante ver el lado positivo de la oscuridad
78 of 86
My favourite hobby
Mi pasatiempo preferido
79 of 86
It makes me think
Me hace pensar
80 of 86
It helps me relax
Me ayuda a relajarme
81 of 86
I am fanatical about
Soy fánatico/a de
82 of 86
There are fireworks
Hay fuegos artificiales
83 of 86
I can't stand
No soporto
84 of 86
It doesn't make sense
No tiene sentido
85 of 86
To realise
Darse la cuenta
86 of 86

Other cards in this set

Card 2


¡Que tonta!


How silly!

Card 3


Se puede encontrar


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Mis padres dicen que


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Según los científicos/expertos


Preview of the back of card 5
View more cards


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