
  • Created by: jessica
  • Created on: 27-05-13 17:27
What planet is the largest in the solar system?
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system
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What can be bigger than planets?
Some stars are bigger than planets
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What planet is the smallest in the solar system?
Pluto is the smallest planet
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If Pluto didn't exist, what planet would be the furthest away from the sun?
If Pluto didnt exist, Neptune would be the furthest away from the sun.
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What is Pluto considered to be?
Pluto is a dwarf planet
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What will happen if you look directly into the sun?
If you look directly at the sun you can go blind
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Are all stars dead?
All stars are dead
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What Planets have a ring around them?
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have got a ring
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When was Saturn first discovered?
Noone is certain when Saturn was first discovered
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Before 1610 why was the rings around these planets not visible?
Before 1610, the position of the planets at that time prevents the rings from being seen
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On which planet is the gravity force slighter higher than the gravity on Earth?
The gravity force on Saturn is slightly higher than the gravity on Earth
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What planet is the second biggest in the solar system?
Saturn is the second biggest planet in the Solar system
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At what rate does Saturn travel around the sun?
Saturn travels around the sun at a rate of 29.5 earth years per orbit
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What is Saturn's diameter?
At its quater, Saturn's diameter is about 74,900 miles
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Why is it not possible to land on Saturn?
You cannot land on Saturn due to its harsh conditions
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what is Saturns ring made of?
Saturn ring is made of small rocks, dust and ice particals
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Why is it not possible to land on Jupiter?
You can never land on Jupiter because its not made of rock
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Earth was one of the first planets ever. True or False?
False. Earth has not always existed
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What is Earth made of?
The Earth is made of crust, core and mantel
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How were the Earths oceans formed?
The oceans were formed between 4.2 and 3.8 billion years ago as the earth cooled, clouds of steam became water creating vast oceans
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Is the earth a perfect sphere?
The earth is not quite a perfect sphere
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How was the planets created?
Around 4.6 billion years ago, a cloud of gas and dust swirled around the newly sun, The grains of dust and gas were pulled together into clumps of their own gravity. The clumps became the planets in the solar system
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Which planet is the largest of the four inner planets?
The earth is the largest of the four inner planets.
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The earth spins on its axis one a day while also orbiting around the sun
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What planet is the only planet where its temperatures are right for liquids to exist on the surface?
The earth is the only planet where temperatures are right for liquid, water to exist on the surface. It is also the only planet with oxygen it its atmosphere.
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What two elements are needed for life to exist?
Both oxygen and water are needed for life to exist
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How long does it take earth to travel around the sun
The earth travels around the sun every 365.24 days which gives us our calender year of 365 days
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How long does it take for the earth to turn once?
A day is the time the earth takes to turn once
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The moon is the earths natural satellite
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Who was the first man to land on Earths moon.
Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon
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How does the moon appear light when it is pitch black?
The moon is pitch black however it looks like its light because the suns beam is reflecting from it
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What is the sun?
The sun is a star at the center of our solar system
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Where does the sun get its heat from?
The sun gets it heat from nuclear fusion
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Which part of the sun is its hottest and what can the sun burn?
The sun will burn anything and its core is hotter.
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Why is Venus' atmosphere deadly for humans?
Venus' atmosphere would be deadly for humans as its very deep so the pressure on the ground is very deep.
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What is Venus made of?
Venus' is made mostly of poisonous carbon dioxide and its also filled with clouds of sulfuric acid
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Which planet is the fourth of the inner planets
The fourth of the inner planets is Mars
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What degrees is Mars during its winter?
Mars is -140 degrees during winter
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What degrees is Mars during its Summer?
Mars is 20 degrees during its Summer
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Why is Mars red?
Mars is red because its rusty, it contains iron dust and its been oxidized by small amounts of oxygen in the atmosphere
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What stranger feature does Mars have similar to Earth?
Mars has a volcano
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How many moons does Jupiter have?
Jupiter has atleast 63 moons
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What is Jupiter made out of?
Jupiter is made out of hydrogen and helium
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Can you or can you not land on Jupiter?
You cannot land on Jupiter
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Jupiter has a red spot, what is it?
Jupiter has a red spot which is a storm
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What planet spins faster than any other planet?
Jupiter spins faster than any other planets
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What planets are called the Gas giants?
Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus are called the Gas giants
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What planets winds are faster than Jupiter's winds?
Saturns winds are even faster than Jupiters
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Saturn may be big but because it is made largely of hydrogen it is also remarkably light
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What is Saturns ring?
Saturns rings are the planets shining halo (light)
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what two planets are the furthest away from the sun?
Neptune and Uranus are the two planets furthest from the sun
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Why does Neptune appear greeny-blue?
Neptune appears greeny-blue because of the methane gas in its atmosphere
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What planet does not spin on a slight tilt?
Unlike any of the other planets Uranus does not spin on a slight tilt
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What planets are known as the Ice Giants
Neptune and Uranus are known as the ice giants because they contain a large amount of icy water methane and ammonia
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How many moons are there?
there are 240 known moons
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What 4 dwarf planets are currently known within our solar system?
There are 4 dwarf planets currently known in the solar system, they are Pluto, Ceres, Makemake and Eris.
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Where did the big Bang start?
The big Bang is a tiny point that contained all matter and energy
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What was the Big Bang?
The Big Bang was a hot,small,dense ball which exploded, allowing first energy and matter and then atoms, gas and clouds of energy to form
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The universe has been swelling ever since
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How do the colour of the star differ in colour?
The colour of the stars depend on how hot or cold they are
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Why do stars glow?
Star glow because of the pressure deep inside generating nuclear fusion reactions in which hydrogen, atoms are fused together releasing huge quantities of energy
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What are super giants?
The biggest stars are the 'super giants'
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What is the first planet closest to the sun
First - Mercury
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Second - Venus
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Third - Earth
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Fourth - Mars
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Fifth - Jupiter
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Sixth - Saturn
68 of 71
Seventh - Uranus
69 of 71
Eighth - Neptune
70 of 71
Nine- Pluto
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What can be bigger than planets?


Some stars are bigger than planets

Card 3


What planet is the smallest in the solar system?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


If Pluto didn't exist, what planet would be the furthest away from the sun?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Pluto considered to be?


Preview of the front of card 5
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