Sociology - Family

Murdock 1949
Functionalist, studied 250 societies, said the family is universal
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Murdock's definition of the family
"A social group characterised by common residence, economic cooperation & reproduction, contains adults of both sexes - at least 2 maintain a socially approved sexual relationship & 1 or more children own or adopted of the sexually cohabiting adults"
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Criticisms of Murdock's definition
Family diversity: lone-parent, gay/lesbian etc.
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Describes the way different societies legitimise mate selection
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1 husband married to 1 wife (most societies)
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1 husband with more than 1 wife
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1 wife with more than 1 husband
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A group of people whom may be biologically related - basic unit of social organisation
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An individual or group of people who share a home and some meals - not all households are families
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A sense of duty we feel towards family members
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Nuclear Family
Also known as cereal packet; this is the traditional family type containing 2 generations (parents and children), living in same household, married heterosexual couple w/ traditional gender roles
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Murdock claimed that the nuclear family...
is an important social institution and plays a vital role in the maintenance of society
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Family = positive, society is like the human body - made up of specialist parts, structuralist theory, consensus theory
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Murdock's 4 functions of the family
Educational (primary socialisation), sexual (monogamous heterosexual relationship), economic (financial support - gender roles), reproduction (adults have offspring)
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Parsons & his 2 functions of the family
Many of the families functions = taken over (e.g. welfare/benefits) but still performs 2 irreducible functions: primary socialisation of children and stabilisation of adult personalities (warm bath theory)
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Criticisms of the functionalists
Only consider the postive and ignore the negative side of the family, ignore family diversity, viewed as sexist
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The New Right
Family = cornerstone of society, the nuclear family is the ideal type, concerned about the increase in family diversity, divorce rate and cohabitation
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The New Right believe there has been an increase in family diversity (etc.) because...
there has been a breakdown of traditional values, overgenerous benefits, influence of feminism and marxism, sexual permissiveness and increase in the tolerance of homosexuality
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Criticisms of The New Right
They blame the victims, do not consider family diversity and are 'harking back to a mythical golden age' (old fashioned)
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David Cameron's quote about runaway fathers:
"Runaway fathers should be looked at like drink drivers and need the message rammed home to them that what they are doing is wrong - leaving mothers to fend for themselves is simply unacceptable"
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John Redwood MP said...
"The natural state should be 2 adult families caring for children"
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Social Regulation
Things people do in order to maintain social order e.g. primary socialisation of children (what is right or wrong)
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Social Integration
Things done to make people feel they belong to a group/society e.g. stabilisation of adult personalities (feeling wanted etc)
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Why are women most likely to do housework and child-rearing roles?
Traditional values/gender roles - women are housewives and care for children, the nuclear family, generally more caring and have a maternal instinct
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This can be viewed as exploitative because...
Sexist - women are prevented from working, feminists say women work but get unpaid (triple shift)
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Triple shift
This includes, paid work, housework as well as emotional work
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Family reproduces unequal relationships, dampens social uprising, teaches members to submit to capitalist interests (a tool) serves bourgeoisie, superstructure serving the economy, priv. property (marriage), conditions children to accept exploitation
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Criticisms of Marxism
Ignore the positives of the family, only consider negative, ignore other reasons for marriage
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Family = main site where women are oppressed by men, most societies = patriarchal, women = instrumental in maintenance of capitalism - social reproduction of labour power, women unpaid for domestic work (helps economy), emotional support system
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Criticisms of Feminism
Ignores positive aspects, assumes women do not enjoy raising family etc., ignores developments towards equality and assumes men are passive victims of men and capitalists
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R.D Laing (pheneomenological psychiatrist - studied interactions between individual family members, looked at meaning behind social action)
Believed family = restrictive - causing damage to individuality, relationships = confused (love, anger, jealousy), tensions passed to offspring & released in diff ways - violence, mental disturbance
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Edmund Leach (wrote a runaway world in 1987)
Argued nuclear family = isolated from kin & wider community, the family looks inward on itself , privacy is a source of fear & violence
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Believe the family performs important social functions
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David Clark (1991) different types of marriages:
Drifting - no longterm plans, surfacing - at least 1 remarried so complicated relationship (ex spouses, step children), establishing - future plans (save £), struggling - usually suffer financially (unemployment or housing problems)
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Berger & Kellner 1964 views on marriage
Individuals need to create own sense of order, marriage = important - helps self construction of identity & personal reality e.g. general convo - help create joint perspectives, marriage = socialise couple
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The Functionalists perspective on housework
Parsons - females suit expressive role (justifies gender division of labour), Murdock - women lack physical strength for other practical tasks, housework = part of caring role, division of labour = natural, ensures family stays contented & stable
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The Marxists perspective on housework
Capitalists benefit from division of labour - work of housewife costs nothing, men free to concentrate on work thus increasing profits of employer, women = reserved army of labour, women manage budgets
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The Feminists perspective on housework
"women provide unpaid services for men: sexual partner & children", oppresses women, if enjoy role = falsely conscious, acceptance shows ruling classes powers of persuasion, stereotypical roles
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Approximately how many families are there in the UK?
16 million
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How many families in the UK are headed by a married couple?
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How many are in cohabiting relationship and why is there a difference depending on age?
1 in 10, in younger = 1 in 5 due to different traditions and values, cohabitation seen as 'trial run'
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How many marriages were there in the UK in 2012?
262,240 (just under 270,00)
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What is the average age of first marriage in men and women?
M = 31, W = 29
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How many civil partnerships were there in 2006?
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When did the civil partnerships act come into force?
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When two people who are not married live together in an emotionally and/or sexually intimate relationship on a long-term or permanent basis
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How many births are outside marriages?
Over 1/3
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is the termination of a marital union, the canceling and/or reorganizing of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage
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Divorce Legislation - The Divorce Reform Act
1969, introduced the concept of irretrievable breakdown of marriage - came into effect in 1971
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Robert & Rapoport 1982 - new era of choice and diversity in family life
Organisational diversity = variations in family, cultural diversity = differences in lifestyles of different ethnic bg, class differences = m.c & w.c (diff relationships & socialisation), lifecycle = differences caused by stages
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Robert & Rapoport 1982 - the cohort
A period where the family have passed through the lifecycle of the family. this affects life experiences
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Eversley & Bonnerjea
studied the relationship between locality & family type - came up with 6 categories inc. sunbelt areas, geriatric wards, older declining industrial areas, newly declining industrial areas, truly rural areas & inner cities
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Sunbelt Areas
Well off areas in the SOuth and South-East of England - mainly consisting of family builders - 2 parent home owners
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Geriatric Wards
Coastal areas in England & Wales (e.g. Brighton & Pembrokeshire) - tend to have high numbers of retired people in 1 or 2 person households as not many jobs are here and it is quiet and relaxed
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Older Declining Industrial Areas
Old coal, iron, ship building, textiles, steel industries (e.g. Sheffield & Newcastle) - older people live here in patriarchal family structures with strong community social networks
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Newly Declining Industrial Areas
(e.g. West Midlands) - contain a mix of people - some relatively prosperous areas with high numbers of nuclear families and others less prosperous with high numbers of family diversity
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Truly Rural Areas
(e.g. Yorkshire & Shropshire) - traditionally consists of extended family structures centered on agricultural industry
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Inner Cities
(e.g. London & Manchester) - have high numbers than average of lone parent families and ethnic minorities
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Reasons for cultural differences:
cultural diversity, different values and traditions, trend, different religious beliefs
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Ethnicity & Family Diversity studies: Ballard (South Asian families in South Asia & Britain)
features in common = live & work together in multi-generation households, in Britain - women more likely to work & expect independence from kin & extender kinship = less important
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Ethnicity & Family Diversity studies: Bhatti (ethnographic study on Bangladeshi families)
Interviews - shown emphasis on loyalty within family and traditional practices related to marriage
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Ethnicity & Family Diversity studies: Berthound & Beishon (PSI national survey)
Family patterns change due to divorce & lone parents, high proportion of couples cohabit
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Ethnicity & Family Diversity studies: Driver
Studied a West Indian family where husband lost job so wife did the housework and was the breadwinner
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Ethnicity & Family Diversity studies: Chamberlain (Caribbean families)
Siblings and uncles/aunts = highly important, siblings play a big part in upbringing of children
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Ethnicity & Family Diversity studies: Reynolds (Black Caribbean Families in Caribbean & Britain)
Within - diversity & fluidity, family patterns varied between different Caribbean islands, in Britain = visiting relationships
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Ethnicity & Family Diversity studies: Dench et al (surveys - old East-End)
799 & seperate sample of Bangladeshi - in old East-End family gave people support & security, Bangladeshi = 4 in 1 person households due to divorce & seperation being low & widows live w/ children, religious obligations (marriage), extended = 61%
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


"A social group characterised by common residence, economic cooperation & reproduction, contains adults of both sexes - at least 2 maintain a socially approved sexual relationship & 1 or more children own or adopted of the sexually cohabiting adults"


Murdock's definition of the family

Card 3


Family diversity: lone-parent, gay/lesbian etc.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Describes the way different societies legitimise mate selection


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


1 husband married to 1 wife (most societies)


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