Internal factors definition in relation to affecting class differences in educational achievements?
Factors within schools & education system EG Interactions between pupils & teachers & inequalities between schools
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External factors definition in relation to affecting class differences in educational achievements?
Factors outside the education system EG Influence of home & family background & wider society
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3 external factors affecting pupils educational achievement?
1.Cultural deprivation 2.Material deprivation 3.Cultural capital
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Cultural deprivation theory?
Argue most acquire basic values/attitudes & skills needed for educational success via primary socialisation. 'Cultural equipment' includes language/self discipline. W/C families fail to socialise adequately=culturally deprived kids who under achieve
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3 main aspects of cultural deprivation?
1.Intellectual development 2.Language 3.Attitudes & values
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Intellectual development?
Refers to level of thinking/reasoning skills=ability to solve problems. Argue w/c homes lack books/ed toys. Children from such homes start school w/o developing intellectual skills needed to progress
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Douglas on intellectual development?
Found W/C pupils scored lower on tests. Says because W/C parents less likely to support their childrens intellectual development through reading with them/educational activities in home
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Bereiter & Englemann on Language?
Claim language used in L/C homes=deficient. L/C communicate by gestures/single words/disjointed phrases=Children fail to develop necessary language skills. Grow up incapable of abstract thinking=unable to take advantage of opps schools offers
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2 types of speech code Bernstein identifies between working & middle class?
1.Restricted code-W/C. Limited vocab, short, unfinished simple. Predictable & descriptive not analytic. Context bound 2.Elaborated code-M/C. Wide vocab, longer, complex. Abstract & elaborated. Context free
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Result of speech differences?
Gives M/C advantage at school as elaborated code is used by teachers, textbooks & exams. Taken as 'correct' way to speak & write, & Bernstein thinks is more effective tool for analysing & reasoning=essential skills in education
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Criticisms of Bernstein & his response?
Argue he's a cultural deprivation theorist as describes W/C speech as inadequate. But unlike cultural deprivation theorists, recognises school not just home influences achievement. Argues W/C pupils fail as schools fail to teach how to use elab code
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Douglas on attitudes & values?
Found W/C parents placed less value on education. Less ambitious for children & gave less encouragement/interest. Visited schools less to discuss childrens progress with teachers. Resulted in lower levels of achievement motivation
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Cultural deprivation theorists on attitudes & values?
Argue lack of parental interest in their childs education reflects subcultural values of W/C. Large sections of W/C have different goals, beliefs, attitudes & values from rest of society=why their children fail at school
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Barry Sugarmans 4 features of W/C subculture that act as barrier to educational achievement?
1.Fatalism- 'Whatever will be will be' 2.Collectivism- Valuing being part of group more than succeeding as individual 3.Immediate gratification 4.Present time orientation - Seeing present as more important than future=no long term goals
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Sugarman continued?
W/C internalise beliefs/values of subculture via socialisation=U/achieving. Differences stem from fact M/C jobs are secure careers encouraging ambition/willingness to invest time/effort to gain qualifications. W/C jobs=less secure/no career structure
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Compensatory education?
Policy to tackle cultural deprivation by providing extra resources to schools in deprived areas. Attempt to intervene early in socialisation process to compensate kids for deprivation at home
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3 examples of compensatory education programmes?
1.Educational Priority Areas 2.Educational Action Zones 3.Sure Start
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Myth of cultural deprivation?
Keddie-Describes as myth/sees it as victim blaming explanation. Dismisses idea failure at school can be blamed on cult deprived homes. Says a child cant be deprived of its own culture=W/C cult different not cult deprived. Fails as are disadvantaged
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Blackstone & Morimore criticising cultural deprivation theory?
Reject view W/C parents arent interested in childs education. Attend fewer parents evenings not because lack of interest but work longer hours. May want to help child progress but lack knowledge.
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General criticisms of compensatory education?
Argue they act as smokescreen concealing real cause of under achievement = social inequality & poverty. Argue real problem is not cultural deprivation but poverty and material deprivation
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Material deprivation theory?
Refers to poverty & lack of material necessities such as inadequate housing & income as main cause of under achievement
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4 stats linking poverty to educational under achievement?
1.In 06 only 33% of kids getting free school meals gained 5 or more A*-C GCSEs 2.Flaherty-Money probs in fam significant factor in younger kids non-attendance 3.Exclusion/truancy more likely from poorer fams 4.90% of failing schools in deprived areas
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Method Link - Using Official Statistics?
Gov collects official statistics on education=save time/money. Establish correlations between social factors=stats on exam results of kids on free school meals show correlation between mat dep + achievement. But stat correlations cant prove cause
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Can affect pupils achievement directly/indirectly. Overcrowding=direct=hard for child to study/less room for educational activities. Fams in temp accommodation have to move often=constant changes of school. Poor housing=indirect=health/welfare
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Diet & health?
Marilyn Howard- Young people from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins & minerals. Poor nutrition affects health=more absences. Children from poorer homes more likely to have emotional/behavioural problems
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Financial support & costs of education?
Lack of financial support=poor families have to do w/o equipment. Bull='costs of free schooling'. Tanner=Cost of transport/uniforms/books/computers=heavy burden on poor. Have to make do=stigmatised/bullied by peers
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Flaherty & Ridge on financial support & costs of education?
Fear of stigmatisation explain why 20% of those eligible for free meals dont take them. Lack of funds=kids from low incomes need to work. Ridge-Children in poverty babysit, clean=negative impact on their school work
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Bordieu's 3 types of capital?
1.Economic 2.Educational 3.Cultural
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Cultural capital?
Refers to knowledge/attitudes/values of M/C. Like Bernstein, argues via socialisationM/C children acquire ability to grasp/analyse & express abstract ideas. MC/=advantage in school where abilities/interests highly valued/rewarded with qualifications
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Educational & economic capital?
M/C children with cult capital better equipped to meet demands of school. Wealthier parents convert eco capital into ed capital by sending kids to private schools/extra tuition. Leech/Campo=M/C more likely to afford house in catchment area
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Alice Sullivan- Test of Bordieu's ideas?
Used questionnaires on 465 pupils from 4 schools. Assessed cult capital asking TV habits/reading/cult knowledge. Those who read complex fiction/watched serious TV had wider vocab/more cult knowledge=cult capital. More likely to be M/C
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Gewirtz- Marketisation & parental choice?
Education Reform Act. Examines class differences in parental choice of secondary school. Studied 14 london schools with interviews with teachers/parents & school data=docs found differences in eco & cult capital led to class differences in choices
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3 types of parents according to Gewirtz?
1.Privileged skilled choosers 2.Disconected local choosers 3.Semi skilled choosers
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Methods Link - Using Documents?
Gewirtz collected range of school docs=brochures/prospectuses & planning reports. Gave insight into increasing amount of resources schools devoting to 'selling' themselves. Docs need to be treated with caution. Content may give selective/distorted
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Privileged skilled choosers?
M/C parents who used eco & cult capital to gain educational capital for children. Had cult capital, knew how school admissions syst worked. Understood importance of putting certain schools as 1st choice. Eco capital meant selection by mortgage
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Disconnected local choosers?
W/C parents, choices restricted by lack of eco & cult capital. Hard to understand school admissions procedures. Less confident in school dealings/less aware of choices open to them. Distance/travel costs restrict them
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Semi skilled choosers?
Parents mainly W/C but were ambitious for children. Lacked cult capital/found it hard to make sense of the education market, relying on others opinions of schools
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Gewirtz conclusion?
M/C families with cult & eco capital are better placed to take advantage of available opps. Theory of education markets gives everyone greater choice, in practice those with cult & eco capital have more choice
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Whitty on marketisation?
Has not led to more opportunities for W/C children. Instead allowed M/C to use their wealth & knowledge even more efficiently than before
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


External factors definition in relation to affecting class differences in educational achievements?


Factors outside the education system EG Influence of home & family background & wider society

Card 3


3 external factors affecting pupils educational achievement?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Cultural deprivation theory?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


3 main aspects of cultural deprivation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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