
  • Created by: syeda
  • Created on: 30-03-13 14:17
Poverty; a lack of basic necessities such as adequate diet, housing, clothing or the money to buy these things. In education, MD theory explains working class under achievement as the result of the lack of such resources ie overcrowding
Poverty is closely linked to educational under achievement ie nearly 90% of 'failing' schools are located in deprived areas
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There is a close link between poverty and social class. Working class families are much more likely to have low incomes or inadequate housing. These factors can have an affect on their children s education in several ways.
Housing - Poor housing can affect pupils' achievement both directly and indirectly. ie, overcrowding can have a direct effect by making it harder for the child to study. Overcrowding means less room for educational activities, disturbed sleep etc
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Housing - For young children especially, development can be impaired through lack of space for safe play & exploration. Family living in temporary accommodation may find themselves having to move frequently, resulting to changes of school
Indirect effect, children in crowded homes run a greater risk of accidents. Cold or damp housing can also cause ill health. Families in temporary accommodation suffer more psychological distress etc leading to absence from school
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Diet & health - Marilyn Howard notes that young people from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals. Poor nutrition affect health, ie by weakening the immune system and lowering children s energy levels.
This may result to more absences from school due to illness, and difficulties concentrating in class.
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Financial support and the cost of education - means that children from poor families have to do without equipment & miss out on experience that would enhance their educational achievement.
Cultural capital
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The knowledge, attitudes, values, language, tastes and abilities that the middle class transmit to their children.
Bourdieu: three types of capital
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Card 2


Housing - Poor housing can affect pupils' achievement both directly and indirectly. ie, overcrowding can have a direct effect by making it harder for the child to study. Overcrowding means less room for educational activities, disturbed sleep etc


There is a close link between poverty and social class. Working class families are much more likely to have low incomes or inadequate housing. These factors can have an affect on their children s education in several ways.

Card 3


Indirect effect, children in crowded homes run a greater risk of accidents. Cold or damp housing can also cause ill health. Families in temporary accommodation suffer more psychological distress etc leading to absence from school


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Card 4


This may result to more absences from school due to illness, and difficulties concentrating in class.


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Card 5


Cultural capital


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