Sociology Education


1. What is the functionalist view on the role of education

  • Functionalists believe that schools teach the key skills and knowledge necessary for a modern, technical society.Functionalists believe that education is seen as performing a beneficial role in society. Functionalists believe that education is seen a
  • They don't like it.
  • They think it is not fair.
  • They don't think education is important.
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2. What is the Marxist view on the role of education?

  • That it is quite useless and you don't learn anything.
  • Marxists view education as having a beneficial role for the powerful people in our society and brainwashing people to follow capitalist norms and values.
  • It is good.
  • It is good because it brings social class together and it is fair.

3. What do sociologists mean by self-fulling prophecy?

  • When you do good at school.
  • When you like yourself.
  • Self fulfilling prophecy in school is when you live up to your label. This links to labeling.For example, if a teacher were to label a student naughty and that they wouldn't achieve good grades, that student is likely to live up to that label.
  • When you don't listen to your teacher.

4. What do sociologists mean by ethnocentric curriculum?

  • When a something is told just based on English history.
  • When a curriculum is based on someone's ethnicity.
  • This refers to the attitude or policy which gives priority to a particular ethnic group whilst disregarding others. It could be argued that the curriculum today is based on the white culture.
  • When a school learns curriculum which doesn't separate different ethnicity.

5. What is cultural capital?

  • When people are cultural.
  • (i.e. the level of educational resources and knowledge provided by the family). This means that middle class students have more financial and practice support and encouragement than working class students.middle class may go theatre, museums ect.
  • I don't know.
  • A state that is cultural.


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