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6. What do Marxists believe the function of education is?

  • To prepare the working class for a poor life. Education discourages the working class by teaching them upper class norms and values.
  • To prepare the working class for a better life. Education gives the working class a chance at learning skills to support them in the real world.
  • To compare upper-class students to working-class students in order to control society.
  • To educate all equally.

7. What is the difference between a dual burden and a triple shift?

  • Dual Burden: Women are expected to produce babies and please men. Triple Shift: Women need to work three jobs to earn the same amount as their boyfriends/husbands.
  • Dual Burden: Women are expected to do paid work and house work. Triple Shift: Women are expected to focus on children, the home and work.
  • Dual Burden: Women have to please their husband and children. Triple Shift: Women are used by men to do their shopping, cleaning and child-bearing.
  • Dual Burden: Women have to please their husband and children. Triple Shift: Women are expected to focus on children, the home and work.

8. What is meritocracy?

  • An equal opportunity for all.
  • An opportunity for males.
  • An opportunity that isnt actually there.
  • An opportunity for the upper class.

9. Why is education functional to society in functionalists eyes?

  • Education is secondary socialisation to children, it prepares them for the real world and life.
  • Education highlights the cracks in our society.
  • Everyone learns and is taught in every society, therefore, educational must be functional.
  • Education makes eager workers for the bourgeoisie.

10. Who came up with the organic analogy?

  • Frederick Engels
  • Howard Becker
  • Emile Durkheim
  • Karl Marx

11. What do Liberal feminists believe of the family?

  • In a modern world, females are breadwinners, whereas males are caretakers of the family and subordinate their lives to them.
  • Males are breadwinners, whereas females are caretakers of the family and subordinate their lives to them.
  • The family wouldnt be complete without a man.
  • The family wouldnt be complete without a woman.

12. What is the punch bag theory?

  • Women are a punch bag for men because men believe women are 'weaker due to biology'
  • The family is a place to go to, to relieve your stress of proletariat working life.
  • Children are becoming more and more shaped by the family, just like a punching bag.
  • The bourgeoisie see the proletariat as a punching bag that they can abuse, scam and exploit, the proletariat know this but cannot react to it.

13. Post-modernist argue that there is such a diversity of jobs in post-modern society...

  • Because of the bourgeoisie exploiting the proletariat.
  • Schools must teach lots of different skills and expertise.
  • because of the increase and broadening of skills and expertise taught.
  • Schools should try to split their students into groups, less able and more able.
  • Because of the lack of definition in schools.

14. Why do feminists disagree with current education?

  • It socialises girls into patriarchal norms and values and gives them skills to gain typical 'feminine' jobs.
  • Because females and males are currently in seperate classes.
  • Because education favours the upper-class.
  • Because education doesnt give the right skills to men and women individually.

15. What do post-modernists say about family?

  • Children in the family are being brought up in traditional 'cereal packet' families, meaning families more or less stay the same over a short period of time.
  • Family is changing dues to increasing rights and choices for women, they are less likely to view marriage as an ultimate goal in life. There is also more diversity in families due to technological advancements (same-sex couples having children)
  • Family is changing due to the increase in marriage and decline in cohabitation.
  • Families only change due to social stigma.

16. What does Zaretsky believe about the family?

  • The family serves creates jobs for society, such as nannies, nurseries, teachers etc
  • Children are tricked into buying sweets to give the bourgeoisie their parents money.
  • Children are brought up with capitalist ideologies and obedience that they learn through the family
  • Working class parents are more likely to split up, creating lone-parent families, due to the bourgeoisies forced ideology upon them.

17. What is the organic analogy?

  • Societies own way of dealing with health issues, by eating more healthy.
  • A comparison of the family to a human body, each organ needs one another to survive, the family needs a mother, a father, a son and a daughter.
  • A comparison of society to a human body, each organ needs one another to survive. Each one of these 'organs' has a purpose in society; Family, Criminal Justice System, Economy, Education, Healthcare and Religion.
  • The world is like a body and needs all its minerals, oxygen, vitamins, just like a body does.