Social test 2 revision

  • Created by: Steff06
  • Created on: 04-12-17 14:49
Name Maslow's hierarchy of needs in order
Physiological needsm safety + security, love + belonging, self-esteem, self-actualisation
1 of 91
Define pheromones
Chemical signals discovered in moths Smell is veru important - prefere different immune systems
2 of 91
What is the halo effect?
Belief attractive people have many positive qualities extending beyond physical appearance (automatic inferences).
3 of 91
Desrcibe one explanation of the halo effect
May be due to self-fulfilling properties
4 of 91
What do working models of relationships include?
Expectations of...partner's availabilty, warmth and ability to provide security
5 of 91
What is developmental trajectory?
Proximity seekig (2-6m), safe haven (8-10m), secure base (1yr)
6 of 91
Define primacy effects
Initial judgements/information clouds later judgements
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When do women prefer the scent of masculine men?
When ovulating
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Describe the social power explanation
Women have less power and fewer resources than men
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The components of intimacy are...
Attachment, closeness, trust and connectedness
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Which component is involved in liking?
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What type of love combines all 3 components?
Consummate love
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Which component is infatuation and companionate?
Passion. Intimacy and commitment
13 of 91
Fatuous love is...?
Passion and commitment
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The qualities that oxytocin is associated with are...
Trust, love, affection and compassion
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State the effects of oxytocin
Increases in-group conformity, boosts envy + schadenfreude, promotes ethnocentism, cooperation with in-group members, competition with strangers
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Describe large effects
Positive illusions, commitment, love and dependence
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Name medium effects
Inclusion of other in self, trust, disclosure, alternatives and satisfaction
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How does the investment model influence partner's commitment?
Rewards-to-cost ratio, quality of alternatives and investments
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How many positive experiences must there be for every negative experience according to the rewards-to-cost ratio?
Must be 5 positive experiences for every 1 negative one
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What does it mean for the relationship if there are fewer alternatives?
Stronger commitment, devalue alternatives more
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Define sunk costs
Put effort and cost in, so less willing to get out of it
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State the 5 min reasons that couples fight
Free time, money, housework, physical intimacy and extended family
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What 4 factors predict divorce?
Contempt, criticism, defensiveness and stonewalling
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Contempt is...
Expressing disdain/scorn. Predicts breakup most. E.g. cyncism and sarcasm
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Stonewalling is...
Withdrawing from conflict, ignoring/avoiding issue
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Name the 4 response types exhibited by partners
Active constructive, passive constructive, active destructive, passive destructive
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Describe UNHAPPY couples for both negative and positive events
Negative = internal, stable, global. Positive = External, unstable, specific
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Explain HAPPY couples for both negative and positive events
Negative = External, unstable, specific. Positive = Internal, stable, global
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List the ABC's of attitudes
Affect, behaviour, cognition
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Define affect
How the target makes you feel
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Define cognition
Knowledge/belies about the target
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List the 6 reasons research has struggled to predict behaviour
Other powerful determinants, inconsistent attitudes, attidudes can be based on 2nd hand info, mismatch between specific & general, automatic behaviour can bypass conscious attitudes
33 of 91
Describe other powerful determinants
Power of the situation, situational factors can overwhelm people's dispositions
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Describe the difference between specific and general
Attitudes are general, behaviours are specific. Attitudes are better predictors of behaviour
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What did priming professpr make people?
Made them bettte
36 of 91
What did priming professpr make people?
Made them better at trivial pursuit
37 of 91
What did priming supermodel do?
Made people worse as it is specific over general
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What do explicit attitudes measure?
Attitudes you verbally state out loud. Predict explicit, controlled behaviour
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What do implicit attitudes measure?
Unconscious attitudes, can be present through priming. E.g. IAT. Predict behaviours better than explicit.
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Define cognitive consistency
People are motivated to maintain consistency between thoughts, feelings and behaviour
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Name the main consistency theories (2)
Balance theory and cognitive dissonance
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Describe Heider's balance theory
Try to maintain balance among beliefs, cognitions and feelings E.g. gossip, politics
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Explain cognitive dissonance theory
How behaviour influences attitudes. Inconsistency produces an aversive state (dissonance). Leads to restoring consistency.
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Name the 3 main times to experience dissonance
After deciding between 2 alternatives (post-decision dissonance), after putting high effort into something (effort-justificaton), after engaging in behaviour that doesn't match your attitude.
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Describe spreading of alternatives paradigm
Try to make the unchosen option sound worse - find flaws in thoe we didn't pick and hidden bonuses in what we did pick
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What is attitude discrepant behaviour?
Behaviour not in line with attitudes. Relieved by changing attitude.
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What is the causal attribution process?
Clear situational reason - probably situation. No clear situational reason - must have been me
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Define the self-perception theory
Critiques cognitive dissonance. Provides alternative account of dissonance findings. People know attitudes by looking at behaviour + engage in dispassionate inference process. No implied arousal state
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Describe the misattribution of arousal with epinephrine
Told no effect = standard dissonance effect. Tense = effect disappeared. Relaxed = Stronger dissonance than usual
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When is CD/SPT most used?
CD when stronger held, controversial and highly valued. SPT when attitudes are vague and ambitious
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What is the relationship between threat and dissonance?
Less dissonance when threatened
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The overjustification effect is...
Tendency to devalue activities we perform in order to get something else
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State the effect of extrinsic rewards
They can decrease intrinsic and motivation
54 of 91
Describe the third person effect
Perception bias/people assume persuasive messages have a strong influence on others, not themselves
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Agenda control is...
Topics covered frequently are better predictors of behaviour
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What is thought polarisation?
Thinking about an issue tends to produce more extreme, resistant attitudes
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Attitude inolculation is...
Small dose of the opposing position can increase resistance to next influence attempts
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Name the 3 key components of emotion
Brief, responses to specific events, socially functional
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Are facial expressions, moods, physiological responses and emotional disorders brief?
Facial expressions and physiological responses are brief
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What can be said to be specific?
Emotions are specific, moods are less specific
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Describe the primary stage of emotional appraisal
Unconscious, fast, automatic. Initial positive/negative feelings
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Explain the secondary stage of emotional appraisal
Conscious, deliberate, slower. Transform initial feelings into specific emotions
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The principle of servicable habits is what?
Human expressions of emotion come from patterns of behaviour that were beneficial for our evolutionary predecessors
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Darwins 3 hypotheses were...
Emotions are universal, we have same facial muscles, 6 universal emotions.
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What are the 6 universal emotions that Darwin stated?
Happiness, surprise, anger, sadness, digust and fear
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Define hypercognize emotions
Multiple words/descriptions for an emotion
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Infrahumanisation is...
Tendency for in group to see out group as less human. Assume own group members are more likely to experience complex, sophisticated emotions than outgroup.
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What are positive emotions linked to?
Creative and flexible thinking, novel word associations and categorising objects inclusively
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What do we use for top-down processing?
Likely to use stereotypes/availability heuristic
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What is used for bottom-up processing?
If we're sad, we're less likely to use stereotypes
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Describe William James' theory of emotion
Emotions are perceptions of bodily changes in response to the environment. Responses to physical feelings
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What is the two-factor theory of emotion?
Emotions are made of the 2 components - undifferentiated physiological arousal and cognitive explanation (construal) of arousal
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Name the 3 determinants of pleasure
Peak, end, duration neglect
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Which of the 3 determinants of pleasure matter?
Peak and end matter, neglect doesnt
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Immune neglect is...
Underestimate resilience during negative life events
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What percentage of variance in happiness is genetic, environmental and determined through choices?
50% genetic, 10% environment, 40% activities you choose, thoughts and styles
77 of 91
What is linked to each stereotype, prejudice and discrimination?
Stereotypes = cognition, prejudice = emotion, discrimination = behaviour
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Define hostile sexism
Antagonistic attitude towards women who are viewed as trying to control men through feminist ideology. Domination, degradation
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Ambivalent sexism is...
Women are incompetent and so need men to protect and take care of them
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Describe the stereotype content model
Assesses warmth and competence. Stereotype women are high in warmth and low in competence
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Explain Robber's cave
1 - groups engaged in separate activities. 2 - conflict/in-group favouritism within groups competing. 3 - attempt to reverse prejudice and reduce conflict
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Name the thing required for conflict
Economic competition
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What is a way to reduce prejudice?
Contact hypothesis - hostile groups will reduce prejudice under 6 conditions
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List the 6 conditions which will reduce prejudice
Mutual interdependence, common goals, equal status, informal personal contact, multiple contacts and social norms of equality
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Define schemas
Schemas are knowledge structures that use info you already have as a shortcut for assessing new situations. Can be useful to decrease time/effort. But harmful when rigid.
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What is the outgroup homogeneity effect?
Tendency to assume within-group similarity is much stronger for outgroups. Assumption outgroups are all alike, whilst ingroups are varied and distinct
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What are illusory correlations?
Biased perceptions and memory for connection between unusual acts and minority groups. Incorrect belief 2 things are related.
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Situational attribution...
Stereotype-inconsistent behaviour
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Dispositional attribution is...
Stereotype-consistent behaviour
90 of 91
Desribe attributional ambiguity
Members of stigmatised group may be uncertain if treatment is due to them personally or due to group membership
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define pheromones


Chemical signals discovered in moths Smell is veru important - prefere different immune systems

Card 3


What is the halo effect?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Desrcibe one explanation of the halo effect


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do working models of relationships include?


Preview of the front of card 5
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