Other questions in this quiz

2. What is social development?

  • The achieving of the physical milestones for that child's age range
  • The achieving of the emotional milestones for that child's age range
  • Growth of a child's ability to interact with others and behave in a pro social manner, sharing, comforting and helping
  • Growth of a child's ability to manipulate, get away with and gain followers in life

3. What was not an effect on Peer relationships?

  • Field : Found the more time they spent in day care the more friends they made and the more extra-curricular activities and those in high quality care showed more affection in their relationships
  • Leach: 1200 children longitudinal studies do better if looked after by their mothers
  • Lamer et al : Study of 120 Swedish children, found that by 10 individual differences were overtaking the effects of day care
  • Harvey : 6000 youngsters found that children whose mothers worked outside the home suffered no permanent damage because of their absences
  • Clarke-Stewart : Children in group based play found it easier to be sociable than those cared at home

4. What affects did day care have on agression?

  • NICHD study and Quebec
  • NICHD study found that in those with behavior problems they got worse
  • When universal day care was introduced in day care, aggression rose by 24% and parental well being declined

5. What is not a factor that could affect quality of childcare?

  • Type of day care: Leach 1200 children longitudinal studies do better if looked after by their mothers
  • Size of the care centre
  • Bigger staff to children ratio


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