Social cognition + Body representations Lecture 7

Rizzolatti et al. (1996)
Mirror neurons - fire when see someone perform an action as well as when self performs, action specific. Shared neural representation between self and other helps understand others actions. Function: symbolise intention understanding, emp + emo recog
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Brozzoli et al. (2013)
fMRI look at own hand, others', fake hand. Approach stimuli and measure neural response. Used neural adaptation: response in Ventral Premotor cortex attenuated for self and other but not rubber
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Xu et al. (2009)
scanner view chinese/cauc touched with painful/neutral stimuli. Anterior cingulate active when see painful stimuli but amount of response modulated by race of stimuli, more activation for ingroup. Shared representation of slef and other but social in
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Maister et al. (2015)
Implicit social attitudes towards racial group can alter shared representation
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Avenanti et al. (2012)
Negative opinions = less overlap between our representations of their body and ours.
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Farmer et al. (2012)
2 sessions 1 week apart. 1= IAT, 2= RHI black/white hand then IAT, SCR, proprioceptive drift + q. IAT ses 1 did not predict ownership however IAT score ses2 did. Ownership of hand diff race lead to reduced implicit racial bias.
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Maister et al. (2013)
Replicated with between subjects design. Significant decrease in negative implicit attitudes towards race correlated with strength of ownership of other race hand. Could predict change.
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Peck et al. (2013)
VR avatar, caucasion, purple, black + black asynchronous. EMbodiment for all inc purple, embodiment related to ch\nge in IAT scores although nervousness explained much of theh variance (Robinson et al. 2012)
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Groom et al. (2009)
Immersive virtual environment - white who embodied black greater white preference, stereotype activation theory.
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Card 2


fMRI look at own hand, others', fake hand. Approach stimuli and measure neural response. Used neural adaptation: response in Ventral Premotor cortex attenuated for self and other but not rubber


Brozzoli et al. (2013)

Card 3


scanner view chinese/cauc touched with painful/neutral stimuli. Anterior cingulate active when see painful stimuli but amount of response modulated by race of stimuli, more activation for ingroup. Shared representation of slef and other but social in


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Card 4


Implicit social attitudes towards racial group can alter shared representation


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Card 5


Negative opinions = less overlap between our representations of their body and ours.


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