social class and crime

According to official statistics, who is more likely to commit a crime?
The working class rather than the higher classes
1 of 84
Explanations of why the W/C appears to offend more than higher classes
Functionalism, strain theory, subcultural theories, labeling theories
2 of 84
What type of theory is functionalism and what do they accept?
consensus, Official crime stats
3 of 84
What do they believe W/C crime is a product of?
inadequate socialization into shared value consensus
4 of 84
What do they believe different groups and classes develop?
Their own subcultures
5 of 84
What does Strain theory (Merton consensus) argue the cause of W/C crime is?
Blocked opportunities
6 of 84
What do strain theories mean when they say W/C is more likely to be innovators?
use illegitimate means (utilitarian crime) to achieve societies goals
7 of 84
What type of theory are subcultural theories and what do they accept?
consensus theory and accept official crime stats
8 of 84
Why do subcultural theories believe W/C join deviant subcultures?
because they are experiencing status frustration with their inability to achieve mainstream goals
9 of 84
Why does labeling theory reject official crime stats?
say they are socially constructed
10 of 84
Why do they believe crime stats are socially constructed?
do not give a valid picture of crime
11 of 84
Why do Labelling theorists believe the W/C are over-reported
because they fit the typification
12 of 84
Crimes of the powerful
Marxists claim that all classes commit a crime but, the law is selectively enforced so that higher class and corporate offenders are less likely to be prosecuted
13 of 84
White-collar and corporate crime
14 of 84
Who defines white-collar crime as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation?
Sutherland (1949)
15 of 84
What two types of white-collar crime does he distinguish between?
Occupational crime and corporate crime
16 of 84
What's an occupational crime?
committed by employees for their own personal gain, often against the organisation they work for
17 of 84
Provide an example of occupational crime
Stealing form the company or its customers p-fraud
18 of 84
What Corporate Crime?
Committed by employees for their organization in pursuit of its goals
19 of 84
Provide an example,
deliberately mis-selling products to increase a companies profits
20 of 84
However, what do many crimes committed by the powerful not actually do?
break the law
21 of 84
The scale and types of corporate crimes
likely 4 or 6 marker
22 of 84
What do corporate crimes and white collar crimes do far more damage then?
street crimes
23 of 84
Who claims that corporate crome has enormous costs, including physical, environmental, and economic?
Tombs (2013)
24 of 84
What else does he conclude about corporate crime?
That it is widespread, routine and pervasive
25 of 84
types of Corporate crimes (find cake eat every smit)
Financial crimes, crimes against consumers, crimes against employees, crimes against the environment, state-corporate crime
26 of 84
Name 4 examples of Financial crimes
tax evasion, bribery, money laundering, and illegal accounting,
27 of 84
name 2 crimes against consumers
false labeling and selling unfit goods
28 of 84
Name crimes against employees
sexual and racial discrimination, violations of wage laws and breaking health and safety laws
29 of 84
Name 3 examples of crimes against the environment
ilegal pollution of air, water and land
Toxic waste dumping
30 of 84
Name an example of state-corporate crime
harms committed when government institutions and businesses cooperate to pursue goals
31 of 84
The Abuse of trust
32 of 84
Give an example of how we trust and respect high-status professionals
we entrust our finances, health, and security
33 of 84
However, what does this power often give them the opportunity?
to abuse our trust
34 of 84
For example, what do accountants and lawyers get employed by?
Criminal organisations to launder money into legitimate businesses
35 of 84
Name 3 other ways high-status professionals can act corruptly
inflating fees, committing forgery, illegal diverting client's money
36 of 84
Thus, what does this type of crime violate?
the trust that society places in professionals
37 of 84
What does Sutherland argue about white-collar crime and the abuse of trust?
it makes it a greater threat than street crime because it promises distrust in the key institutions and fabric of society
38 of 84
The invisibility of Corporate crime
Sometimes corporate crime isn't seen as a 'real crime'
(likely 4 or 6 marker)
39 of 84
Name the 5 ways of invisibility of corporate crime
The Media, lack of political, Corporate crime often complex, de labeling, under-reporting
40 of 84
How do the media reinforce the stereotypes that crime is a w/c phenomenon?
Gives limited coverage to corporate crime
41 of 84
What do the media describe corporate crime as rather than a real crime?
technical infringement
42 of 84
Give an example
defrauding consumers becomes 'miss-selling'
43 of 84
What does it mean by a lack of political will?
No will to tackle corporate crimes
44 of 84
What does political usually become tough on but ignore?
Street crimes, corporate crimes
45 of 84
Why are corporate crimes being complex make them invisible?
law enforcers are under-resourced and lack of technical expertise to investigate effectively
46 of 84
Why are corporate crimes filtered out of the process of criminalization when de-labeled?
The offenses are often described as civil and receive penalties or fines rather than jail
47 of 84
Why is this?
No seen as seroius
48 of 84
Why is their under-reporting?
victims don't often know they have been victimised
49 of 84
What are the vitims of cirme usually then jsut one person?
society as a whole or the eniroment
50 of 84
even if victims are aware why may they report the offense?
feel powerful against a powerful organisation
51 of 84
However, since what event have activists made corporate crime more visable?
The financial crisis of 2008
52 of 84
What else has made us more aware of corporate crimes than ever before?
journalists, whistleblowers and the media
53 of 84
Explanations of corporate crime
Strain theory, labeling theory , differential association, Marxism
54 of 84
Starin theory
55 of 84
Describe by what Merton believes by innovators
Strain from the inability to achieve societies goals by legitimate means so some may turn to illegitimate or illegal means to achieve these goals
56 of 84
Who argues that if a company cannot achieve it's goal of maximising profits by legitimate means it may turn to illegal
Box (1983)
57 of 84
Thus, what periods are companies are tempted to break the law
periods when profitability becomes difficult
58 of 84
What did Clinard and Yeagar (1980) find ?
companies law violations increased when their profitability declined
59 of 84
However, what do strain theories overpredict?
the number of crime businesses commit
60 of 84
Why is it unrealistic to assume all businesses offend?
building a good reputation can lead to increased profits
61 of 84
Differential association
62 of 84
What does Matza (1957) argue?
people deviate easily if they produce justifications
63 of 84
Give an example of a justification (great for a corporate crime)
' i was carrying out orders from above
64 of 84
Who sees crime as a behavior learned from others?
Sutherland (1949)
65 of 84
What does he mean by this?
the more we associate with people who have a criminal attitude, the more likely we are to become deviant ourselves
66 of 84
Thus, what can happen in a company?
a deviant subculture where people justify committing a crime
67 of 84
What is it known as when a subculture justifies its crimes?
'techniques of neutralisation'
68 of 84
However, what does this theory fail to recognize about law-abiding?
Law-abiding may be more profitable than law-breaking
69 of 84
Give examples
winning contracts and public support helps businesses
70 of 84
Labeling theory
71 of 84
What do they believe counts as a crime?
if it has been labeled as such
72 of 84
Whonoften has the power to avoid labels?
Businesses and professionals
73 of 84
How would they do this?
hire expensive lawyers and accountants to helo them avoid being labeled as criminals and have serious charges reduced
74 of 84
What else prevets the labels of corporate crime?
the reluctance and inability of enforcement agencies to investigate effectively and prosecute
75 of 84
However, why do most people not need to wait for a label?
Because they are fully aware of the acts that break the law
76 of 84
77 of 84
Why do Marxists claim corporate crime is inevitable?
it's part of the normal
78 of 84
Why is this?
It capitalisms goals to maximize profits
79 of 84
What ideology does capitalism spread about the different types of crime?
corporate crime os less widespread or harmful then W/C crime
80 of 84
What does the R/C also make sure in terms of laws?
they protect their interests and it is selectively enforced
81 of 84
Why is it easier to commit corporate crimes in developing countries ?
the law and effective controls are lacking
82 of 84
give examples
low wages, unsafe products, pollute the environment, dangerous conditions for employees and bribe officials
83 of 84
However, what can Marxists not explain about crime in what type of state orgainsations?
Non-profit making state organisations like police, army, or civil service
84 of 84

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Explanations of why the W/C appears to offend more than higher classes


Functionalism, strain theory, subcultural theories, labeling theories

Card 3


What type of theory is functionalism and what do they accept?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do they believe W/C crime is a product of?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do they believe different groups and classes develop?


Preview of the front of card 5
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