
  • Created by: RLB11122
  • Created on: 29-05-18 17:04
The negative stereotyping of people on the basis of their age.
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Birth Rate
The number of live births per thousand per population.
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A Marxist term for the ruling class.
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A socially defined age status. (Ages 1-18)
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Comprehensive Sysytem
A non-selective education system where all children attend the same type of secondary school.
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Conjugal Roles
The roles played by the husband and wife. Segregated conjugal roles are when the husband is the breadwinner and when the wife is the homemaker.
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Correspondence Principle
Bowles and Gintis' concept describing the way that the organisation and control of school mirrors or "corresponds" to the workplace.
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Cultural Capital
The knowledge, attitudes, values, languages, tastes and abilities that the middle class transmit to their children.
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Cultural Deprivation
The theory that many working-class and black children are inadequately socialised and therefore lack the 'right' culture needed for educational success.
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All those things that are learnt in educational institutions.
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Those things taught or learnt in educational institutions.
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Death Rate
The number of live deaths per a thousand per population.
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The study of population, including birth, death, fertility and infant mortality rates, immigration and emigration, and age structure, as well as the reasons for changes in these.
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Dependency Ratio
The relationship between the size of the working population and the non-working or dependant population.
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Dual Burden
When a person is responsible of two jobs. Usually applied to women who are in paid work and carry out domestic labour.
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Empty Shell Marrige
A marriage in name only, where a couple continues to live under the same roof but as separate individuals.
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Seeing or judging things is a biased way, from the viewpoint of one particular culture.
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Expressive Role
The caring, nurturing, 'homemaker' role in the family.
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Extended Family
Any group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption, extended beyond the nuclear family.
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Fertility Rate
The total fertility rate is the average number of children women have in their fertile years.
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A sociological perspective and political movement that focuses on women@s oppression and struggle to end it.
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A consensus perspective in sociology that sees society based on shared values.
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The idea that the world is becoming increasingly interconnected and barriers are disappearing.
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Hawthorne Effect
Where the subjects of a research study know they are being studied and begin to behave differently as a result, thereby undermining the study's validity.
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The shift from an agricultural economy to one based on factory production.
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Infant Mortality Rate
The number of infants who die before their first birthday, per thousand live births per year.
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Instrumental Role
The breadwinner or provider role in the family.
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Justifying something by making it seem fair and natural.
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Life Expectancy
How long on average people who are born in a given year can expect to live.
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Living apart together (LATs)
Couples who are in a significant relationship, but not married or cohabiting.
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The policyof introducing market forces of supply and demand into areas run by the state.
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A conflict perspective based on the idea of Karl Marx (1818-83). It sees society as divided into two opposed classes.
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Material Deprivation
Poverty; a lack of basic necessities such as adequate diet, housing, clothing or the money to buy these things.
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An educational or social system where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed and where individuals' rewards and status are achieved by their own efforts rather than ascribed by their gender, class or ethnic group.
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Myth of Meritocracy
Functionalist argue that education is meritocratic, but Bowles and Gintis claim that meritocracy is an ideology legitimating inequality by falsely claiming that everyone has an equal opportunity.
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New Right
A conservative political perspective whose supporters belief in self reliance and individual choice.
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Non-Participant Observation
A primary research method where the observer records events without taking part in them.
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Social rules, expectations or standards that govern the behaviour expected in a particular situation.
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Nuclear Family
A two generation family of a man and women and their dependant children, own or adopted.
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Literally, 'rule by parents'. The concept is associated with marketised education sytems, which are based on a ideology, of parental choice of school.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The number of live births per thousand per population.


Birth Rate

Card 3


A Marxist term for the ruling class.


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Card 4


A socially defined age status. (Ages 1-18)


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A non-selective education system where all children attend the same type of secondary school.


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