
What are the four zones of the Burgess Model?
CBD, Inner City, Inner Suburbs, Outer Suburbs
1 of 12
What is the sphere of influence?
The area that people come from to buy things. Shops that sell large, high order goods have bigger spheres of influence than convenience goods (low order goods)
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What is the difference between low and high order goods?
Low order goods are bought more frequently and often cheaper
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Describe the threshold population
The minimum population needed to support a shop. Higher order good shops have a higher threshold.
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Where are the higher order goods bought from now compared in the 60/70s?
Higher order goods used to be purchased in the CBD, but are now purchased in out of town shopping centres
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Why has the retail changed over time?
Transportation has been improved People have more expendable money There is more desire for buying goods
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In MEDCs many people move to rural areas, which is called counter-urbanisation. What are 2 negative impacts?
Commuters do not use local shops, so they close. Increase in house prices, so locals cannot afford to buy
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In MEDCs many people move to rural areas, which is called counter-urbanisation. What are 2 positive impacts?
There are families with children who attend local school preventing it from closing. Farmer sells land to developer making a large profit
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What are 4 problems for squatters?
Cramped living conditions, poor sanitation, unemployment, high levels of crime, no access to social security of welfare. Risk of fire/landslide/flood/disease
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Where are you more likely to find high order goods stores – places with a higher or lower population? Why?
Higher, because the greater population means that there is a greater chance of people buying the goods; due to higher proportion of dispensable income
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What are some examples of places that sell lower ordered goods?
Bakery, butcher, grocer, supermarket, newsagent, sweet shop
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What are some examples of places that sell higher ordered goods?
Furniture shops, jewellers, stores selling large electrical goods such as washing machines, televisions and freezers, car dealers, travel agents selling holidays
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the sphere of influence?


The area that people come from to buy things. Shops that sell large, high order goods have bigger spheres of influence than convenience goods (low order goods)

Card 3


What is the difference between low and high order goods?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe the threshold population


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where are the higher order goods bought from now compared in the 60/70s?


Preview of the front of card 5
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