Session 8 - operation management

  • Created by: jf00632
  • Created on: 15-01-19 13:22
Managing and motivating employees- Maslows hierarchy of needs
physiological needs, safety, belonging, esteem and self-actualisation (ego)
1 of 16
Managing and motivating employees- Herzbergs theory -
salary, job security, working conditions, the level and quality of supervision
2 of 16
What motivation does herzberb believe employees need?
Sense of acheievment, growth, recognition, responsibility
3 of 16
Explain the role of job design
The way in which we structure the content and environment of the jobs of individual staff members within the workplace and the interface with the technology or facilities that they use
4 of 16
What are the different approaches to job design?
Job enlargement, job enrichment, job rotation and multitasking
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Job rotation- definition
More tasks which give increased responsibility, autonomy or decision-making
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Job enrichment - definition
Different tasks which give new experiences, autonomy or decision-making
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Job enlargement- definition
given mroe tasks of the same type
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What is ergonomics in the workplace?
This is designig the workplace in a nice manner so it is motivating for employees to work in
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What is employee empowerment?
giving employees a certain degree of responsibility to motivate them
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What is culture?
shared values, beliefs and norms which influence the way employees think, feel and act towards others inside and outside the organization’
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What are the 4 different types of culture in the work place?
power, role, task and person culture
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Definition of power culture
This is centred on individuals and relationships. It is results oriented with few rules and procedures
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Definition of role culture
procedures and rules dominate. it is stable and predictable
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Defintion of task culture and example
This culture is assignment or project based. e.g. oil companies
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Definition of person culture
This organisation is served by people so it is important to have welcoming, friendly personalities
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Managing and motivating employees- Herzbergs theory -


salary, job security, working conditions, the level and quality of supervision

Card 3


What motivation does herzberb believe employees need?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain the role of job design


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the different approaches to job design?


Preview of the front of card 5
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