SEM2: Abdo I


1. what are the contents of the spermatic chord

  • vas deferens, round ligament, testicular a., cremasteric a., vas deferens a., genital branch of
  • vas deferens, tunica vaginalis, pampiniform plexus, round ligament, testicular a., cremasteric a., vas deferens a., genital branch of gentifemoral n. and sympathetic n., lymphatics
  • vas deferens, tunica vaginalis, pampiniform plexus, cremasteric a., vas deferens a., genital branch of gentifemoral n. and sympathetic n., lymphatics
  • vas deferens, tunica vaginalis, cremasteric muscle and fascia, testicular a., vas deferens a., genital branch of gentifemoral n. and sympathetic n., lymphatics
  • vas deferens, tunica vaginalis, pampiniform plexus, testicular a., cremasteric a., vas deferens a., genital branch of gentifemoral n. and sympathetic n., lymphatics
  • vas deferens, tunica vaginalis, cremasteric muscle and fascia, testicular a., cremasteric a., vas deferens a., genital branch of gentifemoral n. and sympathetic n., lymphatics
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. what is the posterior wall of the inginial canal

  • muscles: external oblique and transverse abdominus
  • muscles: internal oblique and transverse abdominus
  • transverse fascia and conjoint tendon
  • aponeurosis: external and internal oblique
  • ligaments: lacuanate and inginual
  • ligaments: pectineal/cooper's and inginual

3. what is the lacunar ligament

  • the free border of external oblique running from asis to pubic tubercle
  • lower part of internal oblique and transverse abdominus attached to pubic crest and pectineal line
  • crescent shaped extension of medial fibres of inguinal ligament
  • extension of lacuanar ligament that passes along pectinate pubis

4. from superficial to deep, what's the 5th layer of the testes and spermatic cord

  • Skin and subcutaneous fat/membrane
  • Skin
  • Cremaster muscle and fascia, trasversali fascia
  • External spermatic fascia and internal oblique
  • subcutaneous Dartos fascia and muscle, and external oblique
  • Internal spermatic fascia and peritoneum
  • Tunica vaginalis

5. how does the rectus shealth change inferior

  • all aponeurosi pass anterior to rectus abdominu
  • all aponeurosi pass anterior to pyramidalis
  • external aponeurosis splits into anterior laminae (passes anterior to rectus abdominus) and posterior laminae (passes posterior to rectus abdominus)
  • internal aponeurosis splits into anterior laminae (passes anterior to pyramidalis) and posterior laminae (passes posterior to pyramidalis)
  • external aponeurosis splits into anterior laminae (passes anterior to rectus pyramidalis) and posterior laminae (passes posterior to pyramidalis)
  • internal aponeurosis splits into anterior laminae (passes anterior to rectus abdominus) and posterior laminae (passes posterior to rectus abdominus)


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