Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the correct order of stages of the calgary-cambridge model?

  • initiating the session, gathering info, physical examination, explanation and planning and closing the session
  • initiating the session, physical examination, explanation and planning, gathering info, closing the session
  • initiating the session, gathering info, explanation and planning, physical examination and closing the session
  • initiating the session, physical examination, gathering info, explanation and planning and closing the session

3. A prescription is a document which has 3 purposes, which of the following is not part of these purposes

  • to state the age of the patient if under 12 years old
  • to comply with the misuse of medicines regulations 1971
  • to pay the standard prescription fee
  • to comply with the medicines act 1968

4. The following question is a probing question:

  • you don't believe that do you?
  • How can i help you?
  • Please can you describe your pain
  • does the pain stop when you rest

5. Which of the following professionals cannot prescribe

  • therapist
  • medical doctor
  • consultant
  • nurse


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