SCLY2; Education Acts

Hi, I have proudced a few flashcards about the Education Acts that have been created and implemented, enjoy! :-)

Forster Education Act - 1870
School boards were set up alongside a proposed 4000 schools
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Compulsory Education - 1880
- State Education was made compulsory - Education was made free - It improved economic production
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Period of social change - 1918-1939
- Ideas began to change between the wars in particular, away from the idea that society had a natural order based on ascribed status. - 1918- men over 21 were allowed to vote - 1928- women got the vote - between the 2 wars meritocracy was developed
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Tripartite System - 1944
- Psychologists deemed that intelligence could be accurately tested at the age of 11 - The goverment introduced the 11+ test, where children would be placed into schools according to their ability, 1. Grammar 2. Secondary Modern 3. Technical
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Butler Education Act- 1944
'Vision to create a land fit for a hero' - to achieve this the Tripartite System was introduced; 20% Grammar Schools, 5% Technical Schools and 75% Secondary Modern Schools
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Progressive Education - 1960s
- Child centred education through exploration (movement away from dry memorisation of facts) - Influenced by Jean Piaget + Dewey - Open plan classrooms introduced - group + project work (Secondary Schools)
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Comprehensive System - 1965
- The Labour Goverment instructed all local authorities to submit plans for comprehensive recognization - The Tripartite System had not succeeded in creating equality of opportunity, solution; abolish 11+ and educate all children regardless of class.
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Marketisation - 1979
- Competition between schools was to be encouraged, successful schools would expand and unsuccessful schools will have to improve or face closure. - Parents given a choice to wish school they want their children to attend
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NEW RIGHT! - 1979
- Political philosophy found in the work or some sociologists but mainly associated with the years of the Conservative goverment in Britain - This approach stressed individual freedom, self-help, self-reliance etc.
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New Vocationalism - 1979
- The Conservative goverment introduced this to tackle youth unemplyment including the YTS (Youth Tackling Scheme)
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Education Reform Act - 1988
- Introduced a new emphasis on competition and choice in eduation
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NEW LABOUR! - 1997
- New Right thinking has continued to influence the goverment - Many policies began by the Conservative have been continued and developed
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Card 2


- State Education was made compulsory - Education was made free - It improved economic production


Compulsory Education - 1880

Card 3


- Ideas began to change between the wars in particular, away from the idea that society had a natural order based on ascribed status. - 1918- men over 21 were allowed to vote - 1928- women got the vote - between the 2 wars meritocracy was developed


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


- Psychologists deemed that intelligence could be accurately tested at the age of 11 - The goverment introduced the 11+ test, where children would be placed into schools according to their ability, 1. Grammar 2. Secondary Modern 3. Technical


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


'Vision to create a land fit for a hero' - to achieve this the Tripartite System was introduced; 20% Grammar Schools, 5% Technical Schools and 75% Secondary Modern Schools


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