Other questions in this quiz

2. What evidence does Woolgar use to argue that scientific fact is simply a social construct that scientists have to persuade people into accepting?

  • The discovery of ‘pulsars’ by the Cambridge astronomy laboratory in 1967
  • The case of Dr Velikovsky in 1950
  • Theoretical work on ballistics

3. What is a paradigm according to Kuhn?

  • A closed belief system
  • Something that tells scientists what reality is, what problems to study, the methods/equipment to use, and what answers they should find
  • A false belief that is used to control the underclass

4. What does Popper claim science to be?

  • A religion
  • An open belief system
  • A closed belief system

5. How is the belief of witchcraft among the Azande people highly resistant to change?

  • The believers are trapped in their own ‘idiom of belief’ or way of thinking
  • The answer to anything and everything is witchcraft
  • They’re stupid.


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