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6. what is Schizophrenia?

  • a serious mental disorder characterised by severe disruptions in psychological functioning which affects thoughts, perception, language, emotion and loss of contact with reality
  • a condition with symptoms of extreme mood swings
  • a mental disorder characterised by two different personalities that alternately control a persons personality which can prevent a high quality of life

7. how many ICD first rank symptoms are needed over what length of time for the patient to be diagnosed with Schz?

  • 1 symptom, 1 month
  • 2 symptoms, 2 months
  • 2 symptoms, 1 month
  • 1 symptom, 2 months

8. alogia is:

  • heightened or exaggerated emotions how
  • inability to take part in goal directed behaviour
  • when speech becomes less clear, may insert irrelevant words in the middle of a sentence
  • an extreme loss of motor functioning

9. Rosenhan's insane study found that

  • 5/8 fake patients got diagnosed with the disorder and 2 were diagnosed with bipolar
  • 7/8 fake patients were diagnosed with Schizophrenia
  • no fake patients successfully got diagnosed with the disorder
  • all the fake patients were diagnosed with Schizophrenia