Sallust Jugurthine War- Chapter 12

  • Created by: Lydia22
  • Created on: 11-07-17 20:30
Primo conventu, quem ab regulis factum supra memoravi, propter dissensionem placuerat dividi thesauros finisque imperi singulis constitui.
At the first meeting of the princes which I recalled above, it had been agreed, because of their differences, that the treasures should be divided + the boundaries of their individual commands be established.
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Itaque tempus ad utramque rem decernitur, sed maturius ad pecuniam distribuendam. Reguli interea in loca propinqua thesauris alius alio concessere.
And so for each of these two matters a time was decided, the earlier for the distribution of the money. Meanwhile the princes settled themselves in various places near to the treasures.
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Sed Hiempsal in oppido Thirmida forte eius domo utebatur, qui proximus lictor Iugurthae carus acceptusque ei semper fuerat.
But Hiempsal by chance had use of a house in town of Thirmida which belonged to the closest lictor of Jug, for whom he had always been a dear and well liked figure.
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Quem ille casu ministrum oblatum promissis onerat impellitque, uti tamquam suam visens domum eat, portarum clauis adulterinas paret—
Now that the man was offered fortuitously as an agent, he loaded him with promises and induced him to go to his house as though visiting his property and to procure counterfeit keys to the gates-
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nam verae ad Hiempsalem referebantur--ceterum, ubi res postularet, se ipsum cum magna manu venturum.
For the real ones were customarily delivered to Hiempsal; but, when the moment demanded it, he himself would arrive in a large unit.
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Numida mandata brevi conficit atque, uti doctus erat, noctu Iugurthae milites introducit.
The Numidian soon carried out his instructions and, as he had been told, admitted Jugurtha’s soldiers by night.
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Qui postquam in aedis irrupere, diuersi regem quaerere, dormientis alios, alios occursantis interficere, scrutari loca abdita, clausa effringere, strepitu et tumultu omnia miscere,
After they had burst into the living-quarters, they spread out to look for the king, killing some as they slept and others as they ran up, investigating recesses, breaking open closed areas, and causing confusion everywhere with their noise and
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cum interim Hiempsal reperitur occultans se tugurio mulieris ancillae, quo initio pauidus et ignarus loci perfugerat.
While in the meantime Hiempsal was sicovered in the hut of a serving woman, where, in his initial panic and unfamiliarity with the place, he had fled.
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Numidae caput eius, uti iussi erant, ad Iugurtham referunt.
The Numidians, as they had been ordered, delivered his head to Jug.
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Card 2


And so for each of these two matters a time was decided, the earlier for the distribution of the money. Meanwhile the princes settled themselves in various places near to the treasures.


Itaque tempus ad utramque rem decernitur, sed maturius ad pecuniam distribuendam. Reguli interea in loca propinqua thesauris alius alio concessere.

Card 3


But Hiempsal by chance had use of a house in town of Thirmida which belonged to the closest lictor of Jug, for whom he had always been a dear and well liked figure.


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Card 4


Now that the man was offered fortuitously as an agent, he loaded him with promises and induced him to go to his house as though visiting his property and to procure counterfeit keys to the gates-


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Card 5


For the real ones were customarily delivered to Hiempsal; but, when the moment demanded it, he himself would arrive in a large unit.


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