Safety and Improving Client Mobility

  • Created by: Beckyrose
  • Created on: 19-02-14 02:58
What factors can affect safety?
Age & development, lifestyle, health, mobility, sensory perception alterations, emotional state, ability to communicate, safety awareness
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What does ADPIE stand for?
Nursing Process: Assessment, Diagnosis, Plan, Implementation, Evaluation
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What is Isotonic or Dynamic body movement?
Excercise of muscles through whole body movement (dynamic) e.g swimming
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What is Isometric or Static body movement?
Excercising muscles w.o moving joints or body (static) e.g pushing against a wall - good for rehab
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What is Isokinetic or Resistive body movement?
Resistance training using special equipment
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What is Abduction?
Limb moves up and out - AWAY from midline
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What is Adduction?
Bringing limb TOWARDS center line
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What is Flexion?
Bending to reduce angle of joint, e.g wrist to shoulder
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What is Circumduction?
combo of abduction, adduction, extension and flexion - circular movements e.g rolling shoulder around
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What is Eversion?
turning OUTWARDS
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What is Inversion
turning INWARDS
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What is Pronation?
Facing downwards
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What is Supination?
Facing upwards
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What are the effects of good mobility on the body?
Cardio: > c.o, venous return, strength contractions. Pulmonary: > rate/depth ventilation, diaphragmatic excursion, < effort of breathing. Renal: > blood flow & excretion. Metabolic: > BMR, GI tone, peralstalis, Muscular: < bone loss, >joint mobility.
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What are the effects of Immobility on the body?
Muscular: >osteroporosis, atrophy, contractures, stiffness. Cardio: < cardiac reserve, hypotension, oedema, thombis formation. Resp: < movement. Urinary: urinary infection & retention. GI: consti. Skin: breakdown. Also depression & < coping
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What are TED stockings and why are they used?
Thrombo-embolitic deterrent. Maintains pressure on muscles and lower limbs, for pt w. < mobility & having surgery.
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What are Sequential Compression Deviced and why are they used?
for prevention of DVT & venous stasis. x use if: known DVT, cardiac failure, skin conditions and atherosclerosis.
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What are Abductor Pillows and why are they used?
for pt who've had hip replacement to prevent dislocation
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What are different types of restraints that may be used?
Physical: vests, belts = immobilise. Envi: bed rails, recliners, locked doors = restrict. Chem: meds to control thoughts & behaviors. Emotional: verbal non verbal and physical intimidation
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What is a 'Nosocomial infection'?
A Hospital Acquired Infection
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What is 'Asepsis'?
The absence of pathogenic microorganisms
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What is 'medical asepsis'?
Using no touch technique
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What is 'surgical asepsis'?
Completely sterile
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How can a Pressure Injury be prevented?
Dont Massage, protect bony parts, use PH appropriate cleanser, dry thoroughly, emollient, promote mobility, re position regularly, monitor nutrition
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What is the Semi Fowlers position?
Lying at 45 degree angle - skin neck eyes mouth throat lungs heart
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What is High Fowlers position?
Sitting at 90 degrees
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What is Dorsal Recumbent postilion?
Supine with knees bent - female genitalia, lungs, breasts, abdomen
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What is Supine position?
lying flat on back - breasts, heart, abdo
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What is Lithotomy position?
Supine with legs in air, knees bent at 90 degrees - for female genitalia & rectum
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What is Lateral position
Lying on side (usually in recovery position)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does ADPIE stand for?


Nursing Process: Assessment, Diagnosis, Plan, Implementation, Evaluation

Card 3


What is Isotonic or Dynamic body movement?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Isometric or Static body movement?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Isokinetic or Resistive body movement?


Preview of the front of card 5
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