Russia 1917-1941 Key words

  • Created by: DunnillE
  • Created on: 24-01-18 18:30
What is the meaning of the word Tsar?
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Who was Tsar Nicholas II?
The last king of Russia who abdicated in 1917.
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What does autocratic mean?
A system of government where all power was in the hands of one individual.
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What does censored mean?
Approved by the people in the charge, no bad press for the powerful people.
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What was the duma?
The Russian Parliment/Government.
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What was the Okhrana?
The secret police in 1917 which much later became the KGB.
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What was the Bolshevik party?
A dedicated group of communist revolutionaries led by Lenin.
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What were peasants? What percentage of the population were peasants in Russia during this time?
Farmers who worked a small area of land. 80% of Russia were peasants in 1917.
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What is republic?
A country without a king or queen ruling it.
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What is regime?
A government- the way a country is ruled.
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What is a slum?
Poor area of a city with low-quality overcrowed housing, lack of clean of water and no waste disposal.
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What was a worker in Russia in 1917?
A man or woman employed in the industries like steelworks, textiles, mills, mines, etrc. They were also referred to 'industrial workers'. Communists writers called workers the 'proletariat'.
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What is inflation?
When prices rise and money buys less than it used to.
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What is cabinet?
The senior members of a members of a government, made up of ministers who run the various different departments of the governments and takes part in key decisions.
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What does mean to abdicate?
To abdicate is to give up the throne voluntarily.
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What does provisional mean?
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What is exile?
Being sent away from your home area as a punishment, or going away voluntarily to avoid trouble at home.
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What is a constitutional monarchy?
A rule by a King or Queen whose powers are limited by a parliment.
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What was the soviet? When was it first set up?
A committee of elected members who represent workers, soldiers, and peasants. The soviet was first set up in 1905.
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What was the Militia?
Armed Civilian Group.
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What did it mean to nationalise something?
To take over an organisation or property to be run by the government.
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What is parlimentary democracy?
A system of government in which voters choose freely between a number of political parties, and the party that the gains the most seats in parliments forms the government.
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What was GULAG?
A system of prision camps.
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What was the GPU?
State political directorate, previously the cheka (secret police).
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What was the OGPU?
All-union State Political Directorate, previously the GPU (secret police).
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What was forced labour?
Labour someone is force to do against their will.
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What was an enemy of the revolution?
Someone who resisted the socialist fatherland.
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Who was Felix Dzerhinsky?
1st commander of the Cheka.
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Who was Lenin?
A communist revolutionary who was the leader of the Bolsheviks in 1917 to 1924. He was also the first leader of the soviet union.
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Who was Trotsky
Lenin's right hand man. He was later assassinated after a power struggle with Stalin.
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Who was Stalin?
Stalin was Lenin's successor who became a dictator of Russia from 1929 to 1953.
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What does anarchists mean?
People who oppose all central government and try to create a stateless.
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What was an autocrat?
A ruler who holds all power + doesn't consult with others.
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What is a civil war?
A war in which both opposing sides are from the same country.
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What does assassinate mean?
To murder somone for political reasons.
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Who were monarchists?
Those who believe a country should be run by a King or Queen.
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What is conscription?
Being made to join the army.
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What is propaganda?
Information deliberately used to influence an audience and to persuade them that a particular view is correct.
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What is mobilisation?
Creating + Organising an army.
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What was the front?
An area where 2 sides in a conflict are fighting.
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What was a commissar?
A political officer in the red army with the job of encouraging Bolshevik ideas.
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What was a hostage?
A person who is held prisoner to make somebody else do as the hostage-takers want.
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What were deserters?
Soldiers who ran away from battle or their units.
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What is literacy?
The ability to read and write.
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What's an oath?
A solemn promise.
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What was a show trial?
A trial that is deliberately given a lot of publicity to spread a message.
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What does it mean to be deported?
To be forced to leave a country.
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What does totalitarian mean?
Absolute: in a totalitarian state one organisation has complete control.
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What does counter-revolutionary mean?
Somebody who was thought to be acting against the revolution.
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What is a free market?
Being able to buy + sell goods and make money without too much intereference from the governemnt
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What does requisition mean?
Take by force.
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What does Bourgeois mean?
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What does payment in kind mean?
Exchanging goods and services without using money.
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What was the black market?
Illegal buying and selling.
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What is famine?
Widespread lack of food leading to starvation.
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What was factionalism?
Being a part of a group that stands out against those in authority think.
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What's corporal punishment?
Physical Punishment.
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What's Avant Garde?
New + Experimental ideas.
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What does abstract ean?
Art that doesn't resemble reality.
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What's geometric?
Using regular lines and mathematical shapes.
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What is an atheist?
Someone who doesn't believe in god.
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What is a testament?
A written document dealing a person's wishes for what should happen after they die.
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What was the cult of Lenin?
Treating Lenin and his ideas with great devotion + reverence.
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What does tactic mean?
Dealing with issues day to day.
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What is a strategy?
A person's overall goals and how they plan on achieving it.
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What was Leninism?
The form of communism adapted by Lenin for Russia.
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What is ideology?
The belief that a person holds.
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What is collectivisation?
The taking over of peasant farms by the state in the early 1930s.
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What were Stakhanovites?
Enthusiastic workers who gained rewards by producing more than other workers.
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What were the marshals of the soviet union?
Highest-ranking military commander. There were 5 in 1935 and then 3 of them were shot.
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What is Sufi?
Muslims following a mysical form of Islam, seeks a direct personal experince with god.
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What was a constituation?
A docuement detailing how a country is run and the rights of its citzens.
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What was social realism?
Simply presented cultural governmental ideas.
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What was office culture?
Culture that has been decided by the government.
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What was a kolkhoz?
A large farm where peasants worked together to meet governmental targets.They keep what was left.
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What was a Sovkhoz?
A large farm where peasants worked directly for the government and were paid wages but still had to buy food.
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What's agriculture?
The business and activity of farming.
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What does hoarded mean?
Kept in storage, rather than selling it on.
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What does liquidate mean?
To get rid of: some were arrested, some had their property taken away, others were killed.
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What does arable mean?
Producing crops such as wheat and barley.
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What was a serfdom?
Being a serf. Serfs were peasants who were owned by their landlords.
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What is a paternity suit?
A legal action in which an unmarried mother sues the father of her child for financial support.
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What is sterilisation?
An operation to prevent someone from having children.
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What's an ethnic minority?
Group with different religions, language or traditions to the majority of the local population
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What's self-determination?
The right group of people to govern themselves.
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Who were the Volga Germans?
People of German origin who lived along the Volga River.
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What's self-determination?
The right group of people to govern themselves.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who was Tsar Nicholas II?


The last king of Russia who abdicated in 1917.

Card 3


What does autocratic mean?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does censored mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the duma?


Preview of the front of card 5
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