R.S- Death and The Elderly

  • Created by: )4ehollis
  • Created on: 02-03-16 19:01
Quality Of life
Focuses on how good your life is: how happy you are, your ability to do everyday things and that you are comfortable and not in pain
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Quantity of life
Focuses on the duration of your life: regardless of quality you should try and stay alive as long as possible (e.g. Roman Catholics)
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Issues that old people may face
Feel that they are a burden (getting in the way), finances, lonely, health, mobility & memory
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Religious Beliefs on life or death Christianity
When you die your soul will either go to: Heaven, Purgatory or Hell; the aim is obviously to get into Heaven Heaven: a utopia – a place of pure joy and pleasure (be one with God) Purgatory: a temporary holding ‘pen’ whilst you purify yourself before
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Religious Beliefs on Life or death Hindus
When you die you are reincarnated; and what you come back as depends upon your Karma from your previous life. When you are reincarnated your Karma impacts on if you come back as human (and which caste) or an animal. However, the aim in life is to re
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Card 2


Focuses on the duration of your life: regardless of quality you should try and stay alive as long as possible (e.g. Roman Catholics)


Quantity of life

Card 3


Feel that they are a burden (getting in the way), finances, lonely, health, mobility & memory


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Card 4


When you die your soul will either go to: Heaven, Purgatory or Hell; the aim is obviously to get into Heaven Heaven: a utopia – a place of pure joy and pleasure (be one with God) Purgatory: a temporary holding ‘pen’ whilst you purify yourself before


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Card 5


When you die you are reincarnated; and what you come back as depends upon your Karma from your previous life. When you are reincarnated your Karma impacts on if you come back as human (and which caste) or an animal. However, the aim in life is to re


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