Rocks and building materials

  • Created by: Sam Evans
  • Created on: 19-05-14 20:44
What is the formula for limestone?
1 of 8
How is cement made
By heating a mixture of limestone and clay
2 of 8
Name the four substances used to make concrete
Cement, sand, water and aggregate
3 of 8
What is meant by thermal decomposition of a compound
Breaking down of a compound by heating
4 of 8
Name the products formed when calcium carbonate is heated strongly
Calcium oxide carbon dioxide
5 of 8
Write a word equation for the reaction of calcium oxide with water
calcium oxide + water -> calcium hydroxide
6 of 8
Limewater goes cloudy when mixed with carbon dioxide. Explain why
Calcium hydroxid eis formed and is insoluble
7 of 8
Explain why acids damage limestone
Acdis react with limestone to produce carbon dioxide and a salt. The salt dissolves in water and wears away the limestone
8 of 8

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Card 2


How is cement made


By heating a mixture of limestone and clay

Card 3


Name the four substances used to make concrete


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is meant by thermal decomposition of a compound


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name the products formed when calcium carbonate is heated strongly


Preview of the front of card 5
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Many rocks are used in building construction and some are used for special applications. The hardest rock used in construction is a marble. The United States produces more marble than any other country. Granite is another stone used for construction. Concrete is also best and very use in construction read more here for getting construction information.

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