Other questions in this quiz

2. amanda has run an experiment to examine the impact of mindfulness intervention vs control on empathy. she is interested in examining the distribution of her data to look for outliers. Which graph should she use?

  • box plot
  • scatter plot
  • histogram
  • bar graph

3. which of the following depicts the best experimental design?

  • randomly assign people to watch hamilton or cats and then randomly assign them to complete a questionnaire or be interviewed about racial bias
  • has people select whether they watch hamilton or cats and then randomly assign them to complete a questionnaire about racial bias or be interviewed about their racial bias
  • randomly assign people to watch hamilton or cats and then complete a questionnaire about racial bias
  • assign the first 30 people to sign up to watch hamilton and the rest of the people watch cats and then complete questionnaire on racial bias

4. imagine you are driving down the motorway, speeding!!!! you see a police car ahead of you, so you slow down. this is an example of..

  • reactivity
  • reliability
  • researcher effect
  • none of the above

5. temperature is an example of which level of measurement scale?

  • interval
  • nominal
  • ordinal
  • ratio


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