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6. The lifetime of a gas in the atomosphere and its ability to absorb infrared radiation is known as its

  • Global potential
  • Global warming potential
  • Global cooling potential

7. Storage as carbonates is not yet a viable form of CSS as it is

  • Very slow
  • Stupid

8. In methane, the C-H bonds absorb infrared radiaation

  • True
  • False

9. Carbon dioxide is produced by many natural processes eg volcanic erruptions, respiration of animals and burning or decay of organic matter such as plants

  • True
  • False

10. The kyoto protocall was put in place to

  • Get countries to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gasses by 5% by 2012
  • Get countries to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gasses by 50% by 2012

11. The carbon dioxide molecule can absorb infra red radiation, causing the molecule to vibrate, eventually emitting some of this energy in the form of radiation, which is then absorbed by another greenhouse gas molecule etc...

  • True
  • False

12. Underground porous rock can act as a sponge to store Co2

  • True
  • False

13. Greenhouse gasses do not occur naturally in the atmosphere

  • False
  • True

14. Carbon capture and storage (sequestration) captures carbon dioxide from power stations and stored it away safely, instead of releasing it into the atmosphere

  • True
  • False

15. The process in which the absorption and subsequent emission of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases warms the lower atmosphere and the planets surface, this is

  • The greenhouse effect
  • The bluehouse effect
  • The glasshouse effect

16. Methane is present in more quantities than carbon dioxide, and it does not have a greater contribution to the greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide

  • False
  • True

17. Methane is present in smaller quantities than carbon dioxide, however it makes a greater contribution to the greenhouse effect than the same amount of carbon dioxide

  • True
  • False

18. The absorption and emission process of the greenhouse gasses keeps the heat away from the Earth's surface

  • False
  • True

19. Methane is released from certain animals, ___ have a bad rep

  • Starfish
  • Cows
  • Jellyfish
  • Octopus

20. Old oil and gas fields are seen as some of the best natural containers for carbon dioxide gas

  • True
  • False