Research Methods

What is the significant level?
0.05% (95%)
1 of 55
How is the number of people in a study shown in statistical form?
2 of 55
What do RHO and U standard for in inferential tests?
Spearmans rank- RHO mann-Whitney- U (observed value)
3 of 55
What inferential test would you use for a correlation?
4 of 55
What inferential test would you use for working out the order of data?
5 of 55
What is meant by "nominal data"?
Seperate data groups
6 of 55
What is meant by "ordinal" data?
Data in an ordered format
7 of 55
What is a null hypothesis?
Statement of no difference in the outcome
8 of 55
What inferential test would you use for repeated measures?
9 of 55
What inferential test would you use for group design?
10 of 55
What is meant by "interval" data?
the data that is measured using units
11 of 55
What are "type 1 and type 2" errors?
Type 1 errors ignore the truth and type 2 accepts hypothesis when they are wrong
12 of 55
What does spearmans RHO do?
Determines whether the correlation between two co-variables is significant or not
13 of 55
What is independent group design?
two or more groups of participants
14 of 55
What is repeated measures design?
Using the same group of participants throughout
15 of 55
What are the 5 parts to designing a study?
Abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion.
16 of 55
what is the mean?
all the data added together and divided by the amount of beginning data
17 of 55
What is the mode?
most common number in a set of data
18 of 55
What is the median?
the middle number from a set of data
19 of 55
When do you use a scattergram?
20 of 55
When do you use a bar chart?
Numbers or measurements
21 of 55
How do you work out the range?
the biggest figure - the smallest figure= the range
22 of 55
What is meant by the term "standard deviation"?
Distance from the mean
23 of 55
What does the term "reflexitivity" mean?
the extent that a researchers process reflects a researchers values
24 of 55
What are 2 advantages of QUANTITATIVE data?
easy to analyse and produces a clear conclusion
25 of 55
What are 2 weaknesses of QUANTITATIVE data?
Oversimplifies and humanly insignificant
26 of 55
What are 2 strengths of QUALITATIVE data?
represents true behaviour and has rich detail
27 of 55
What are 2 weaknesses of QUALITATIVE data?
Difficult to analyse and subjective
28 of 55
What is an aim?
An aim is what you plan to achieve
29 of 55
What is science
A systematic approach to creating knowledge
30 of 55
What is meant by the term "replicability"?
A way to demonstrate validity of an observation through repetition
31 of 55
What do the terms "induction" and "deduction" mean?
induction- reasoning from the particular to the general. Deduction- reasoning from the general to the particular
32 of 55
What is meant by "peer review"?
The assessment of scientific research by other people in the same field of work
33 of 55
What are the 3 main purposes for peer review?
1. Allocation of research funding 2. Publication of research in scientific journals/books 3. Assessing the research rating of university departments
34 of 55
What is a Labaoratory experiement?
high internal validity- low ecological validity
35 of 55
What is a field experiment?
conducted in a natural environment- no control over outside issues
36 of 55
What is a natural experiment?
naturally occurring IV'S but does show causality
37 of 55
What are two self-report measures?
Questionnaires and unstructured interviews
38 of 55
What is a case study?
A detailed study on ONE person
39 of 55
What is a pilot study?
A small trial run of the bigger research focus
40 of 55
What is meant by the term "validity"?
41 of 55
What is meant by the term "reliability"?
Whether or not you get the same result each time
42 of 55
What is external validity?
Things outside of the studies control
43 of 55
What are three sampling methods?
Snowball, volunteer and opportunity
44 of 55
What is random sampling?
Picking names out of a hat
45 of 55
What is snowball sampling?
You ask existing participants to ask others to help
46 of 55
What is stratified sampling?
Sub-groups (boys and girls)
47 of 55
What are ethical guidlines?
rules and regulations you have to follow to make sure your study is ethically sound
48 of 55
What are 3 ethical issues?
harm, deception and informed consent
49 of 55
What are 2 codes of conduct in relation to ethics?
Responsibility and Respect
50 of 55
What is an IV?
independent variable-
51 of 55
What is a DV?
Dependent variable-
52 of 55
What are 2 experimental designs?
independent group design and matched pairs design
53 of 55
What is 1 strength and 1 weakness of peer review?
Anonymity allows honesty and theirs not always someone available
54 of 55
Why do we use inferential tests?
they are more accurate and we can show clear results from the data that is produced.
55 of 55

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How is the number of people in a study shown in statistical form?



Card 3


What do RHO and U standard for in inferential tests?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What inferential test would you use for a correlation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What inferential test would you use for working out the order of data?


Preview of the front of card 5
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