Research Methods- Key Terms

  • Created by: AliceTori
  • Created on: 21-05-17 09:47
Experimental method
involves the manipulation of an independent variable to measure the effect on the dependent variable
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Experiments may be:
laboratory, field, natural or quasi
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a general statement of what the researcher intends to investigate
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The aim is...
the purpose of the study but it is not precise enough to be tested
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a clear, precise, testable statement that states the relationship between the variables to be investigated
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A hypothesis is stated at the...
outset of any study
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Directional hypothesis
states the direction of the difference or the relationship between the variables being investigated
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Non-directional hypothesis
does not state the direction of the difference or the relationship between the variables being investigated
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any 'thing' whose value can change or vary within an investigation
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Variables are generally used...
in experiments to determine if changes in one thing relate to changes in another
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Independent variable (IV)
some aspect of the experimental situation that is manipulated by the researcher- or changes naturally- so its effect on the DV can be measured
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Dependent variable (DV)
the variable that is measured by the researcher
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Any effect on the DV should be caused by...
the change in the IV
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clearly and precisely defining the variables in terms of how they can be measured
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Extraneous variable (EV)
any variable other than the IV that may have an effect on the DV if it is not controlled
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EV's are...
essentially nuisance variables that do not vary systematically with the IV
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Confounding variable (CV)
any variable other than the IV that may have affected the DV so we cannot be sure of the true source of the changes to the DV
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CV's vary...
systematically with the IV
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Demand characteristics
any cue from the researcher or from the research situation that may be interpreted by participants as revealing the purpose of the study/investigation
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Demand characteristics may lead...
to a participant changing their behaviour within the research situation
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Single blind procedure
controls for demand characteristics as participants are not told the aim or which condition of the investigation they are in
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Investigator effects
any effect of the investigator's behaviour (conscious or unconscious) on the research outcome (the DV)
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Examples of investigator effects are...
the design pf the study, the selection of participants, the interaction with participants during the research process
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Double blind procedure
controls for investigator effects as neither the participants nor the researcher who conducts the study are aware of the aims or which condition participants are in
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Double blind procedures are often used in...
drugs trials
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the use of chance in order to control for the effects of bias when designing materials and deciding the order of conditions
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Randomisation is used to...
control investigator effects
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Example of randomisation is...
to randomly generate the order of a list of words in a memory test
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using exactly the same formalised procedures and instructions for all participants in a research study
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Card 2


laboratory, field, natural or quasi


Experiments may be:

Card 3


a general statement of what the researcher intends to investigate


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Card 4


the purpose of the study but it is not precise enough to be tested


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Card 5


a clear, precise, testable statement that states the relationship between the variables to be investigated


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