Research methods

Experimental method
Manipulation of IV to measure effect on DV. Experiments could be lab, field, natural or quasi
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General statement of what the researcher intends to investigate (purpose of study).
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Clear, precise statement that states relationship between the varian;es to be investigated.
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Directional hypothesis
States direction of relationship between variables.
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Non-directional hypothesis
Doesn't state direction of variables.
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Anything that can vary or change in an investigation. Generally used in experiments to determine if changes in one thing result in changes to another.
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Independent Variable
Aspect of experiment that is manipulated or changes naturally so effect of DV can be measured.
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Dependent Variable
Variable that is measured by the researcher. Any effect on DV should be caused by IV.
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Clearly defining variables in terms of how they can be measured.
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Extraneous Variable
Any variable, either than IV that may have an effect on DV if not controlled. They are useless.
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Confounding Variables
Any variable either than IV that changes DV so we cannot be sure of the true source of changes.
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Demand characteristics
Any cue from the researcher that may be interpreted by participants as revealing the purpose of study. This changes their behaviour.
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Investigator effects
Any effect of the investigators behaviour on the outcome. May include design of study or interaction with participants.
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The use of chance in order to control for the effects of bias. (Zimbardo's SPE)
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Using the same formalised procedures for all participants in a research study.
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Experimental design
The different ways in which the testing of participants can be organised in relation to the experimental conditions.
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Independent groups design
Participants are allocated to different groups where each group represents one experimental conditions
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Repeated measures
All participants take part in all conditions of the experiment.
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Matched pairs design
Pairs of participants are first matched on some variables that might effect the DV. One member is assigned Condition A and other is Condition B.
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Random Allocation
An attempt to control for participant variables in an independent groups design which ensures each participant has the same chance of being in one condition as any other.
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An attempt to control for the effects of order in a repeated measures design. Half in one order, half in the other order.
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Laboratory experiment
Takes place in controlled environment within which the researcher manipulates the IV and records the effects on the DV, whilst maintaining strict control on EV.
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Field Experiment
Takes place in natural setting within which the researcher manipulates Iv and records DV.
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Natural experiment
Change in IV happens naturally and the researcher records effects of DV.
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Almost experiment but lacks key ingredients. IV has not been determined, it simply exists.
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A group of people who are the focus of the researchers interest from which a smaller sample is drawn.
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A group of people who take part in a research investigation. Sample in drawn from target population and represents that population.
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Sample techniques
Method used to select people from the population.
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Random sample
lottery method used, very unbias
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Systematic sample
Every nth member of population is picked. sampling frame is produced.
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Stratified sample
Composition of sample reflects proportions of people in certain subcultures.
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Opportunity sample
Select anyone willing if people are difficult to obtain.
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Volunteer sample
Self-selection. They asked to be part of it via advert or notice board.
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Certain groups may be under-representated. Limits the extent that we can generalise study.
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The extent in which finding can be broadly applied to population.
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Ethical Issues
Arise when conflict exists between rights of participants in research studies and goals of research to produce valid results.
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BPS code of Ethics
Legal document produced that instructs psychologists in the UK about what behaviour is acceptable.
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Pilot study
A small scale version of an investigation that takes place before the real investigation is conducted. To check procedures and allow researcher to makes changes.
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Naturalistic observation
Watching and recording behaviour in the setting within which it would normally occur.
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Controlled observation
Watching and recording behaviour within the structured environment where variables are managed.
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Covert observation
Participants behaviour is watched and recorded without their knowledge or consent.
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Overt observation
Participants behaviour is watched and recorded with their knowledge and consent.
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Participant observation
The researcher becomes a member of the group whose behaviour they are watching.
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Non-participant observation
The researcher remains outside of the group whose behaviour they are watching and recording.
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Behavioural categories
When a target behaviour is broken up into components that are observable and measurable.
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Event sampling
A target behaviour or event is first established then the researcher records this event every time it occurs.
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Time Sampling
A target individual or group is first established then the researcher records their behaviour in a fixed time frame like every minute.
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Self report technique
Any method in which a person is asked to star or explain their own feelings related to a topic.
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A set of written questions used to assess a person's thoughts and experiences.
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A live encounter where one person asks a set of questions to assess an interviewee's thoughts. Preset or not.
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Open questions
Questions for which there is no fixed choice or response and respondents and can answer in any way they wish.
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Closed questions
Questions for which there is a fixed choice of responses determined by the question setter.
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Mathematical technique in which a researcher investigates an association between two co-variables
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Variables investigated within a correlation such as height and weight.
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Positive Correlation
As one co-variable increases so does the other one.
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Negative correlation
As one co-variable increases, the other decreases.
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Zero correlation
No relationship between co-variables
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Qualitative data
Data that is expressed in words and non-numerical. Maybe converted into numbers. High external validity but takes more time to process and difficult to analyse.
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Quantitative data
Data that can be counted, usually as numbers. Simple to analyse, low external validity.
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Primary data
Info obtained first hand by the researcher. Gathered directly from participants. Authentic and specific. Needs to be replicated to be valid.
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Secondary data
Info has already been collected by someone else and so predates the current research project. Minimal effort. Helps support or contradict old study.
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"Research about research" refers combining results from a number of studies to provide an overall view.
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Descriptive statistics
The use of graphs, tables and summary statistics to identify trends and analyse sets of data.
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Measures of central tendency
The general term for any measure of the average value in a set of data.
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The arithmetic average calculated by adding up all values in a set of data and dividing by the number of values there are.
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The central value in a set of data when values are arranged from lowest to highw
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The most frequently occurring value in a set of data.
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A type of graph that represents the strength and direction of a relationship between co-variables in a correctional analysis
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Bar chart
A type of graph in which the frequency of each variable is represented by the height of the bars.
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Statistical testing
Provides a way of determining whether hypothesis should be accepted or rejected. In psychology, they tell us whether differences or relationships between variables are statistically significant or have occurred by chance.
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Sign test
A statistical test used to analyse the difference in scores between related items.
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Peer review
The assessment of scientific work by others who are specialists in the same field to ensure that any research intended for publication is of high quality.
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The state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of good and services.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


General statement of what the researcher intends to investigate (purpose of study).



Card 3


Clear, precise statement that states relationship between the varian;es to be investigated.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


States direction of relationship between variables.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Doesn't state direction of variables.


Preview of the back of card 5
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