reproduction in humans

  • Created by: Rubyblu
  • Created on: 11-04-18 15:12
sexual reproduction
genetic information from two parents combines to produces a new individual
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asexual reproduction
a type of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single organism, and inherit the genes of that parent only; it does not involve the fusion of gametes, and almost never changes the number of chromosomes
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the male reproductive system
has two functions; to manufacture the male gametes, and to deliver them to the site of fertilisation
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the male gamete or reproductive cell involved in sexual reproduction manufactured in the testa, which are enclosed in the scrotum
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urinogenital system
the organ system of the reproductive organs and the urinary system
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the female gametes are produced one at a time by the two ovaries, and then the ovum travels along the oviduct towards the uterus, where it may be fertilised if met with a sperm
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a sex hormone that is released into the bloodstream of females and circulates throughout their bodies, and beings the cycle of egg productions and prepares the uterus lining for implantation
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a sex hormone that is released into the bloodstream of males and circulates around their bodies
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a transitional period between childhood and adulthood
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changes in behaviour
girl may become more maternal and attracted to boys
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pituitary gland
produces hormones which affect other endocrine organs
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pituitary hormone
one specific pituitary hormone stimulates the ovaries to produce oestrogen, which stimulates the development of female secondary sex characteristics
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develop and increase in size, and the ******* get larger
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develops under armpits and in pubic region
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become broader and pelvis widens and fat is deposited
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becomes larger
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oviduct (Fallopian tube)
carries the ovum to the uterus, and fertilisation usually occurs in the first third of the oviduct
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funnel of oviduct
collects ovum released from the ovary at ovulation
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is where the foetus develops
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contains follicles which develop the ova, and produces oestrogen and progesterone
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is a ring of muscle which, until birth, keeps the foetus in the uterus, and then relaxes to allow the birth of the baby
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vagina (birth canal)
receives the penis during sex, and is the 'way out' for the baby at birth
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female gametes
jelly coat - changes at fertilisation to allow entry of male nucleus, haploid nucleus, cytoplasm - contains food stores for the early development of zygote
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changes in behaviour
boys may become more aggressive and territorial, and attracted to girls
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pituitary hormone
one particular pituitary hormone stimulates the testes to produces testosterone, which circulates in the blood and stimulates the development of male secondary sex characteristics
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develops on the chest, under armpits, in pubic region, and on the face
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broadens, muscles become larger, and voice becomes deeper as larynx changes in shape
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are stimulated to begin production of sperm
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becomes larger and scrotum expands to contain larger testes
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sperm duct
carries sperm from the tests to the urethra
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prostate gland
helps to produce the seminal fluid with makes up 99.5% of the semen
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slimy whitish fluid comprised of sperm cells and secretions from the sexual glands released at ****** through the male reproductive organ
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carries semen from the sperm duct to the tip of the penis
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scrotum (scrotal sac)
holds the testes outside the body, at the ideal temperature for the formation of sperm
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becomes erect when spaces in its structure fill with blood
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testis (testicle)
made up of many copied tubes which produce sperm, and the cells between the uses produces testosterone
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male gametes
acrosome - contains enzymes to penetrate egg cell membrane, mitochondria - release energy for beating of flagellum, flagellum - eats to move sperm towards ovum, haploid nucleus
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when the penis becomes erect and hard enough to enter the woman's vagina
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the joining together of an ovum and a sperm
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after fertilisation
the ovum membrane alters to form a barrier to the entry of other sperm, the head of the sperm moves towards the nucleus of the ovum and the two fuse, the fertilised ovum or zygote now starts to divide, and it continues to move towards the uterus
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an organism in early stages of development, before hatching from an egg
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he moment when a sperm cell from a male breaches the ovum, or egg, from a female
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the act of the egg setting in firmly to the uterine lining, which occurs approximately 6 or 7 days after fertilisation
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a flattened circular organ in the uterus of pregnant mammals that nourishes and maintains the fetus through the umbilical cord
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umbilical cord
a tube-like structure that connects a fetus to the mother's placenta, providing oxygen and nutrient-rich blood and removing waste
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the deliberate prevention of pregnancy
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different types of contraception
female sterilisation, IUD, contraceptive pill, spermicide, condom, femidom, cap, morning-after pill
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sexually transmitted infections/diseases
gonorrhoea, which can be cured by antibiotics, and AIDS, which there is no cure for
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


a type of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single organism, and inherit the genes of that parent only; it does not involve the fusion of gametes, and almost never changes the number of chromosomes


asexual reproduction

Card 3


has two functions; to manufacture the male gametes, and to deliver them to the site of fertilisation


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Card 4


the male gamete or reproductive cell involved in sexual reproduction manufactured in the testa, which are enclosed in the scrotum


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Card 5


the organ system of the reproductive organs and the urinary system


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