

1. In spermatogenesis, diploid spermatogonium divide into two diploid spermatocytes via ......; these undergo ..... to become two haploid secondary spermatocytes; these undergo ........ to become four haploid ..........

  • meiosis I; meiosis II; mitosis; spermatocytes.
  • mitosis; meiosis I; meiosis II; spermatids.
  • mitosis; meiosis I; meiosis II; spermatocytes
  • meiosis I; meiosis II; mitosis; spermatids.
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2. After the spermatozoon has passed through the corona radiata and zona pellucida, ............inside the secondary oocyte go through the layers (........ membrane, from the middle.

  • Diploid cells; vitelline; perivitelline
  • cortical granules; vitelline; perivitelline
  • cortical granules; perivitelline; vitelline
  • haploid cells; perivitelline; vitelline

3. The arrival of cortical granules at the zona pellucida causes cross-linking between protein molecules; the ....... hardens and changes electrical charge .......

  • zona pellucida; so no more spermatozoa can get in.
  • cortex; so that all the other spermatozoa get electrocuted.

4. A note on homeobox gene sequences:
- .....base pairs long
- encodes a ......... protein comprised of about 60 amino acids.
- homeodomain proteins are transcription factors with sites that.....
- in amino acid sequence, a .... indicates a DNA bind.
- huma

  • ~120; homeodomain; DNA can bind to; N; ~235
  • ~180; homeopath; DNA can bind to; dash; ~140
  • ~180; homeodomain; DNA can bind to; dash; ~235
  • ~180; homeodomain; DNA can bind to; T; ~500

5. A cell’s life is 5% ....... (cell division), 95% interphase. ..... means cell death.

  • mitosis; Prophase
  • meiosis; Metaphase
  • mitosis; Apoptosis;
  • meiosis; Apoptosis


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