Religious Language

  • Created by: nadia510
  • Created on: 15-04-17 12:29
Univocal Language...
Has only one meaning. Words mean the same in every context
1 of 12
Statements that can be true or false and are testable
Cognitive statements
2 of 12
Who created the verification principle?
Logical positivists, Vienna Circle
3 of 12
What is the Verification Principle?
A statement is only meaningful if it is verifiable by an actual experience or tautology
4 of 12
Who said "whereof we cannot know, thereof we cannot speak"
Ludwig Wittgenstein
5 of 12
Who developed the weak verification principle?
A J Ayer
6 of 12
The weak verification principle is:
A statements is meaningful if we can show how it might be verified or it is shown to be probable by observation
7 of 12
Who thought religious language could only be meaningful if it was falsifiable?
Antony Flew
8 of 12
Which parable did Antony Flew present to illustrate his argument?
The Invisible Gardener
9 of 12
What is a Blik and who came up with it?
A way of seeing the world that is impossible to falsify or verify - R M Hare
10 of 12
Points to something beyond themselves and 'participates in that which it points'
11 of 12
When we talk about God using the Via Negativa we are...
Saying what God is not
12 of 12

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Card 2


Statements that can be true or false and are testable


Cognitive statements

Card 3


Who created the verification principle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the Verification Principle?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who said "whereof we cannot know, thereof we cannot speak"


Preview of the front of card 5
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