Religion during the reign of Henry VIII

1539 Act of Six Articles
Restored Catholic doctrines, such as transubstantiation, clerical celibacy and confession to a priest.
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1543 King’s Book issued
It interpreted the Creed, Seven Sacraments, the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments. (They had already been in the Act of Six Articles)
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1543 Act for the Advancement of the True
Restricted bible reading to clerics, the nobility, the gentry, and the richer merchant class. Women and the lower class were forbidden to read it.
3 of 5
1545 Act for the Abolition of the Chantries
A continuation of the dissolution of the monasteries and saying that the Catholic practice of saying the masses for the souls of the dead was no longer a key element of faith.
4 of 5
In conclusion:
Religious conflicts were by no means resolved, but a decisive redistribution of its wealth – has been consolidated. It would prove difficult to reverse.
5 of 5

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Card 2


It interpreted the Creed, Seven Sacraments, the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments. (They had already been in the Act of Six Articles)


1543 King’s Book issued

Card 3


Restricted bible reading to clerics, the nobility, the gentry, and the richer merchant class. Women and the lower class were forbidden to read it.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A continuation of the dissolution of the monasteries and saying that the Catholic practice of saying the masses for the souls of the dead was no longer a key element of faith.


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Card 5


Religious conflicts were by no means resolved, but a decisive redistribution of its wealth – has been consolidated. It would prove difficult to reverse.


Preview of the back of card 5


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