Religion and Social Change Pt 1


1. What were the consequences of the Calvinists’ beliefs?

  • They grew wealthy by not allowing themselves to spend on luxuries, helping them to cope with salvation panic as they believed wealth and success to be a sign of God’s favour
  • They grew poor by spending unnecessary money on luxuries, resulting in the formation of the underclass in society
  • They grew wealthy and sold their businesses to capitalists which gave them more power and allowed them to become the ruling class
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Other questions in this quiz

2. How, in Marx’s view, does religion maintain capitalist society?

  • By legitimising or disguising exploitation and inequality to create false consciousness
  • By making the working class believe they are going to hell if they are disobedient
  • By creating a collective consciousness

3. In what two ways can religion be seen as a conservative force?

  • The conservative government supports it
  • It upholds traditional beliefs and functions to preserve the status quo
  • It prevents the spread of ideas and doesn’t allow for questioning

4. Who argues that technological change caused the birth of capitalism rather than religious ideas?

  • Weber
  • R.H. Tawney
  • Kautsky

5. What is the difference between other-worldly asceticism and this-worldly asceticism?

  • Other-worldly asceticism refers to methodical work in a monastery, whereas this-worldly asceticism refers to methodical work in an occupation
  • Other-worldly asceticism is the belief in heaven, whereas this-worldly asceticism is the belief in purgatory
  • Other-worldly asceticism refers to methodical work in occupation, whereas this-worldly asceticism refers to methodical work in a monastery


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