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6. What area of inhibition might fMRI evidence be consistent with?

  • Initial inhibition of the highly accessible but incorrect items
  • Later inhibition of the less accessible but correct items
  • Initial inhibition of the less accessible but correct items
  • Later inhibition of the highly accessible but incorrect items

7. If Group B learned the second sequence without reactivating memory for the day 1 sequence, what was their performance like?

  • They made more errors on the day 2 sequence than group A
  • They made more errors on the day 1 sequence than group A
  • They made less errors on the day 1 sequence than group A
  • They made less errors on the day 2 sequence than group A

8. Where was there not reduced activity when retrieval practice progresses?

  • Entorhinal cortex
  • Anterior cingulate cortex
  • Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
  • Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex

9. The level of ________ in the prefrontal cortex correlated with the degree of RIF for the ___________ but _______ items

  • Deactivation, non-practiced, unrelated
  • Activation, practiced, related
  • Deactivation, non-practiced, related
  • Activation, practiced, unrelated

10. What is associative unlearning?

  • Cue word becomes more strongly associated with the competitor word
  • The non-studied but related item is inhibited so that responding is reduced
  • The association between the cue and the target is weakened every time it is incorrectly recalled
  • The non-practiced category items are recalled worse than those that received no practice

11. What is associative blocking?

  • The non-practiced category items are recalled worse than those that received no practice
  • Cue word becomes more strongly associated with the competitor word
  • The non-studied but related item is inhibited so that responding is reduced
  • The association between the cue and the target is weakened every time it is incorrectly recalled

12. If Group A learned the second sequence after reactivating the memory for the day 1 sequence, what was their performance like?

  • They made significantly less errors on the day 2 sequence compared to group B
  • They made significantly less errors on the day 1 sequence compared to group B
  • They made significantly more errors on the day 1 sequence compared to group B
  • They made significantly more errors on the day 2 sequence compared to group B

13. What memories are easier to change via reconsolidation?

  • Weaker
  • Stronger
  • Longer
  • Shorter

14. Which is the best explanation for retrieval induced forgetting?

  • Asssociative blocking
  • Retrieval practice paradigm
  • Inhibition
  • Associative unlearning

15. What is the self-perpetuating effect?

  • Actively recalling the cued item rather than passively viewing that pairing
  • The cue word repeatedly cues the competitor word because the association is strong
  • Retrieval induced forgetting occurs for high category examples but less for low frequency examples
  • The association between the cue and competitor being stronger than the association between the cue and the target

16. Inhibition of memory leading to RIF appears to be _________ __________

  • Attention dependent
  • Cue dependent
  • Interference dependent
  • Strength dependent

17. Taubenfeld et al found that in the ______ hippocampus in animals, protein synthesis is crucial for consolidation but not reconsolidation

  • Rostral
  • Caudal
  • Dorsal
  • Ventral

18. Which finding from Macrae and MacLeod (1999) best demonstrates the retrieval induced forgetting effect?

  • Recall for non-retrieved related facts was 23%
  • Recall for retrieved facts was 70%
  • Recall for non-retrieved facts was 38%
  • Recall for retrieved non-related facts was 41%

19. Which is not experimental criteria for reconsolidation?

  • Treatment to alter reconsolidation administered
  • Test for retention after window for reconsolidation has closed
  • The reactivated memory is in a labile state capable of being changed
  • Reactivation of a consolidated memory