Reaction Rates and Energy Changes


1. Measuring the rate of a reaction.

  • Rate of reaction = amount of reactant used or formed/time
  • Rate of reaction = time/amount fo reactant used or formed
  • Rate of reaction = time/amount of product used or formed
  • Rate of reaction = amount of product used or formed/time
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2. Precipiatation is...

  • when water clouds the solution.
  • when the product of a reaction clouds the solution.
  • when the reactant of a reaction clouds the solution.

3. Activation energy is...

  • the amount of energy required to break bonds.
  • the amount of energy required to make bonds.

4. Reactions can go at...

  • different rates.
  • the same rate.

5. Rates of reaction depend on...

  • temperature, concentration, catalyst.
  • temperature, concentration, catalyst, surface area.
  • temperature, concentration, catalyst, surface area, pressure (gases).
  • concentration, catalyst, surface area.


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