Rates of Reaction - Marble Chips/Hydrochloric Acid

  • Created by: A13
  • Created on: 29-05-14 16:26

1. Catalysts work by...

  • Lowering the activation energy/temperature needed for the reaction.
  • Breaking the solid reactants down.
  • Adding more reactants.
  • Using themselves to start a reaction.
1 of 6

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2. How does surface area affect the rate of reaction?

  • The size of the particles means that they have more exposed sides.
  • The particles need less activation energy to react.
  • There are more particles to collide with each other.
  • The particles move faster.

3. The collision theory is...

  • When the molecules collide and dissolve each other so that only one chemical is left in the experiment.
  • When molecules collide the bonds between their atoms break and new bonds can form to make new molecules
  • The amount of time it takes for all of the particles in the experiment to collide.
  • When the meteor crashed to earth and killed all the dinosaurs.

4. What does a catalyst do?

  • Increase surface area by breaking the particles into smaller pieces.
  • Speed up the reaction without being used up itself.
  • Double the reaction time in the experiment.
  • Make the particles move faster.

5. How does temperature affect the rate of reaction?

  • The particles need less energy.
  • It breaks the particles into smaller pieces.
  • It speeds up the movement of the particles.
  • There are more particles to collide with each other.


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