Other questions in this quiz

2. What is conduction of heat?

  • The process when vibrating particles pass on extra kinetic energy to neighbouring particles.
  • The process when hot particles pass on heat energy to neighbouring particles.
  • The process when hot particles pass vibrate, so they become cold but the particle next to them becomes hot, and they destroy their neighbouring particle.

3. When does convection occur?

  • It occurs when the more energetic particles move from the hotter region to the cooler one- they take their heat energy with them.
  • It occurs when the less energetic particles get hit by the more energetic particles, making the more energetic particles become less energetic like the less energetic ones.

4. Temperature is a measure of...

  • SHC
  • stored energy
  • hotness
  • energy

5. What does Specific Heat Capacity tell you?

  • How many particles stuff can store
  • How much hot water stuff can store
  • How much energy stuff can store
  • How much heat stuff can store


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