Other questions in this quiz

2. Describe the achromosome of a sperm.

  • Membranous sac containing enzymes that destroy outer egg surface.
  • Contains mitochondria providing energy for sperm movements.
  • Replacement for sperms nucleus- single chromosome, coding for DNA.
  • Made of protein filaments which break through outer egg surface.

3. What effect does a mutation have on an enzyme?

  • Denatures it, meaning its activation energy greatly increases.
  • Causes cancer.
  • Changes it's shape, changing the time taken to reach it's activation energy.
  • Changes it's active site, meaning the substrate no longer fits.

4. How does nervous communication travel around the body and why is it different to endocrine?

  • Nervous communication is nerve impulses, and it is the same as endocrine.
  • Nervous communication is nerve impulses, endocrine is hormones in the blood stream.
  • Nervous communication in through the bloodstream, and endocrine is muscle tensions.
  • Nervous communication is hormones in the blood stream, endocrine is nerve impulses.

5. Describe the neck of a sperm.

  • Contains mitochondria providing energy for sperm movements.
  • Main site of respiration, allowing the sperm to swim.
  • Contains protein filaments providing energy for sperm.
  • Contains nucleus of sperm.


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