Other questions in this quiz

2. Nuclear fission is the joining together of two similarly charged nuclei under high temperatures, to form a heavier nucleus of a new element.

  • False
  • True

3. What term is used to describe two forms of the same element?

  • Isotope
  • Mixture
  • Isomer
  • Compound

4. A homogeneous catalyst is in the same physical state as the reactants. ?

  • True
  • False

5. What is the correct order for the way a heterogeneous catalyst works?

  • Reactants adsorbed onto catalyst surface, bonds weaken and break, new bonds and compounds form, products diffuse away
  • Reactants absorbed onto surface of catalyst, new bonds form, old bonds weaken and break, products diffuse away
  • Reactants absorbed onto catalyst surface, bonds weaken and break, new bonds and compounds form, products diffuse away
  • Reactants adsorbed onto surface of catalyst, new bonds form, old bonds weaken and break, products diffuse away


Isobel Michie


anna this is pretty good quiz cept the last one is wrong babe, he invented the electron :) love xxxxx

Anna Wotton


thanks fatty, nice to know you can beat me at my own quiz, vile beast ;)



Thanks for this :}

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