putsch's (Kapp/Munich/Beer Hall)

When was the Kapp Putsch?
1 of 10
When was the Munich Putsch?
2 of 10
What happened during the Kapp Putsch?
Wolfgang Kapp lead a march containing Friekorps who were demobilised soldiers into Berlin in an attempt to take control of the capital
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Why did the Kapp Putsch take place?
Because demobbed soldiers were unsatisfied by the Weimar's willingness to obey the treaty of Versailles and reduce the army.
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Was the KP successful?
Momentarily as the army refused to help the Weimar and did not open fire on the freikorps, however a general strike was called for and within days the freikorps stopped as public services were stopped due to a workers strike.
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What happened during the Munich putsch?
Hitler and the brown shirts broke into a meeting held by Kahr, Seisser, Lossow and forced them to commit to the Nazi march into Munich in order to try and take it over. Then the police shot at the Nazi's killed 16 and the.
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Pt 2
They retreated and the leaders were trialee for treason.
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Why did the Putsch take place?
Hitler hated the Weimar and was inspired by Mussolini's march on Rome which was successful now 1922
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Why did the MP fail?
Kahr was released and warned Munich of a Nazi march.
9 of 10
Was it in anyway successful.
Yes - media attention on Nazi party, reduced sentence, many disliked Weimar and though was and thought it was patriotic
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Card 2




When was the Munich Putsch?

Card 3


Wolfgang Kapp lead a march containing Friekorps who were demobilised soldiers into Berlin in an attempt to take control of the capital


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Card 4


Because demobbed soldiers were unsatisfied by the Weimar's willingness to obey the treaty of Versailles and reduce the army.


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Card 5


Momentarily as the army refused to help the Weimar and did not open fire on the freikorps, however a general strike was called for and within days the freikorps stopped as public services were stopped due to a workers strike.


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