
  • Created by: ss_
  • Created on: 01-03-18 18:53
Statistical Infrequency
Behaviour that is rare or infrequent is seen as abnormal.
1 of 10
Deviation from Ideal Mental Health
Behaviour that does not meet Jahoda's criteria.
2 of 10
Deviation from Social Norms
Behaviour that is not 'socially acceptable.'
3 of 10
Failure to Function Adequately
Inability to cope with everyday life.
4 of 10
Phobia Characteristics
Emotional; fear/anxiety, Behavioural; avoidance, Cognitive; irrational thoughts, acknowledgement that fear is excessive/irrational
5 of 10
Depression Characteristics
Emotional; sadness, worthlessness, Behavioural; reduced/increased appetite & sleep, Cognitive; negative thoughts, guilt, worthlessness, negative view of world
6 of 10
OCD Characteristics
Emotional; disgust, embarrassment, anxiety, Behavioural; compulsive repetitive, counting etc, Cognitive; recurring intrusive thoughts perceived as inappropriate/forbidden
7 of 10
Behavioural approach to explaining phobias
Mowrer's two process model - classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
8 of 10
Cognitive approach to explaining depression
Ellis' ABC Model, Activating event, Belief, Consequence. Mustabatory thinking; thinking that certain assumptions MUST be true in order to be happy. Beck's negative triad; negative view of world, future, self. Negative schema,acquired during childhood
9 of 10
Cognitive approach to treating depression
Challenging irrational thoughts; DEF, Disputing irrational thoughts, Effects of disputing, new Feelings. Homework, Behavioural Action, Unconditioned Positive Regard.
10 of 10

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Card 2


Behaviour that does not meet Jahoda's criteria.


Deviation from Ideal Mental Health

Card 3


Behaviour that is not 'socially acceptable.'


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Card 4


Inability to cope with everyday life.


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Card 5


Emotional; fear/anxiety, Behavioural; avoidance, Cognitive; irrational thoughts, acknowledgement that fear is excessive/irrational


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