Psychology - Developmental Psychology

What are the signs of attachment?
Joy on Reunion, Proximity Seeking, Orientation of Behaviour, Distress on Separation, Stranger Anxiety and Secure Base Effect (JPODSS)
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What were Bowlby's 4 key theories of attachment?
Instinct, Monotropy, Internal Working Model and Sensitive Period
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Who studied evidence for and against Bowlby's Internal Working Model?
Black and Schutte - For, Zimmerman - Against
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What is Classical and Operant conditioning?
Classical conditioning is Learning through Association. Operant conditioning is Learning through Consequence.
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Which 1964 study observed 60 babies, and found that infants were not most attached to those who fed them?
Shaffer and Emerson
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Ainsworth created which famous study to measure attachment type?
The Strange Situation
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What are the 3 attachment types?
Type A; Insecure-Avoidant, Type B; Secure and Type C; Insecure-Resistant
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What is the Temperament Hypothesis?
The inborn temperament of a child affects the behaviour of the infant in the strange situation. (Nature)
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What is the Caregiver Sensitivity Hypothesis?
The mother's behaviour causes the attachment type. (Nurture)
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Who did a meta-analysis of Cross-Cultural variations in attachment?
Kroonenberg and Van Ijzendoorn
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Why are there such cultural differences in attachment?
The relationship between caregiver and child will vary across cultures because of different beliefs and child-rearing values.
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What is Deprivation?
Short term separations or disruptions to attachment
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What are Bowlby's components of distress related to Deprivation?
Protest; an outward, direct expression of child's negative feeling, Despair; an inward feeling of anger and fear resulting in rocking etc. and Detachment; the child begins to respond again but may have to relearn it's attachment.
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Who conducted a Natural Observation into Deprivation?
Robertson and Robertson
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What is Privation?
Never having formed an attachment (often due to neglect and abuse or institutionalisation)
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Do you know what the 2 famous Privation case studies are?
Genie and The Czech Twins. Both case studies were related to abuse and neglect and the later effects of Privation.
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Who studied the effects of institutionalisation in a longitudinal study, with 65 children?
Tizard and Hodges
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Who studied the effects of institutionalisation of Romanian Orphans?
Rutter (2007)
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What did the NICHD say about the effects of Daycare on aggression?
If a child spends 30 hours per week or more in daycare, they are more likely to show behavioural problems at school. (such as arguing, hitting and temper tantrums)
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Name 1 or more studies related to the effects of daycare
Violata and Russel; meta analysis on the negative effects, Clarke-Stewart; found positive effects of daycare on peer relations, Belsky and Rovine; found children at daycare for 20h or more a week before were more likely to be insecurely attached.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What were Bowlby's 4 key theories of attachment?


Instinct, Monotropy, Internal Working Model and Sensitive Period

Card 3


Who studied evidence for and against Bowlby's Internal Working Model?


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Card 4


What is Classical and Operant conditioning?


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Card 5


Which 1964 study observed 60 babies, and found that infants were not most attached to those who fed them?


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