
  • Created by: Loz
  • Created on: 09-01-13 13:47
a measure of how much information can be held in the memory
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a measure of how long a memory lasts before it's no longer available
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Peterson and Peterson Study
lab experiment, 24 Students.Participants given nonsense triagrams to remember and 3 digit number. Asked to count backwards from number then stop and recall the nonsense triagram. Repeated 8 times, intervals of 3,6,9,12 until 18seconds.
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Peterson and Peterson Findings
3 sec interval- 90% remembered. 18sec interval- 2% remembered. STM HAS A DURATION OF LESS THAN 18SECS WHEN VERBAL REHEARSAL IS PREVENTED
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Evaluation of Peterson and Peterson
Ecological Validity- lab experiment, can't be applied to everyday life. Displacement not decay as counting backwards so may be focusing on that instead.
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Bahrick et al (Duration of LTM)
Natural Experiment. Various aged participants, put names to faces in year book. 48years later, 70% accurate. Material had semantic meaning.
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Digit Span Technique (Jacobs)
assess the span of the immediate STM. Participants given progressively more digits in a list to see how many can be recalled.
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Chunking (Miller)
capacity of STM can be enhanced by grouping sets of digits or letters into meaningful 'chunks'. 7+-2 chunks. Size of a chunk may affect how many other chunks are processed.
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Miller- can recall 5 words aswell as 5 letters, by chunking things together, can remember more. Simon- lab, found size of chunk matters. Cowan- concluded STM likely to be limited to 4 chunks.
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Capacity of STM
7+-2. (Miller) Digit Span technique, 9.3 digits. 7.3 letters. Increased with age.
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Multi Store Model (Attkinson and Shiffrin)
Sensory Memory transferred to STM by attention. Maintance Rehearsal Keeps it in the STM an elaborative rehearsal transfers it to LTM
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Serial Position Effect (Glanzer an Cunitz)
lab experiment. primary and recency effect. Occurs because 1st words are best rehearsed and transferred to LTM whereas the last words are in the STM when recall occurs.
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Research Evidence Of MSM
Beardsely- prefrontal cortex active in STM. Squire et al- hippocampus active in LTM
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Evaluation of MSM
Strengths: Research Support. Produces Testable Predictions. Limitations: STM and LTM aren't unitary stores. Research involves rehearsal using elaboration as well as maintenance. STM not entirely seperate from LTM
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Working Memory Model (Baddeley and Hitch)
4 Components. Central Executive, Phonological Loop, Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad, Episodic Buffer.
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Central Executive
attentional process to monitor incoming data and allocate 'slave' systems for tasks.
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Phonological Loop
auditory information and preserves order. Phonological Stage- stores words you hear, Articulatory Process- allows maintance rehearsal.
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Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad
visual and spatial information. Visual Cache- stores visual data. Inner scribe- encodes the arrangement of onjects in the visual field.
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Episodic Buffer
provides temporary store and links with STM
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Dual Task Performance (Baddeley and Hitch)
demonstrated that performance was slower when participants given a task involving th ecentral executive an the articulatory loop.
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Word Length Effect
Can remember lists of short words better than lists of long words.
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Evaluation of The WMM
Strengths: Emphasises process more than the MSM. Plenty of research support for different stores. Produces Testable predication. Limitiations: central executive is vaguely defined. Evidence from brain damaged patients may not be reliable. WMM is STM
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Effect of misleading information on EWT (Loftus and Palmer)
lab. 45 students shown traffic accidents on film. Leading questions after, asked if car was 'bumped', 'smashed' 'hit' 'smashed' indicated the estimated highest speed. 'contacted the lowest. leading questions have a significant effect on memory
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Effect of misleading information (Loftus and Palmer)
Exact same as last time but also asked if any broken glass. 'Smashed'= broken glass 'contacted'= none
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a nervous emotional state where we fear that somehting unpleasant is about to happen
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The effect of age on EWT
Brassard- found young children (4yrs) were more affected by cues from the interviewer than older ones (8yrs). Parker and Carranza- primary school children were more likely to choose someone from a mock line up thn adults, but more likely make errors
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The Effect Of Anxiety on EWT
Johnson & Scott- lab. Weapon focus recall effect, man carrying pen- 40% accurate. when knife only 33% accurate. Christainson and Hubinette- questionaire. 58real witnesses to bank robberies, the greater the threat the more accurate the recall.
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Deffenbaucher et al (anxiety of EWT)
meta analysis. of 18studies on anxiety and EWT. most showed stress had negative impact on accuracy of EWT. however some enhanced recall.
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Yerkes Dodson Law (Anxiety on EWT)
suggests medium levels of arousal may enhance accurate recall, whereas low levels or high levels decrease it.
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Card 2




a measure of how long a memory lasts before it's no longer available

Card 3


Peterson and Peterson Study


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Card 4


Peterson and Peterson Findings


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Card 5


Evaluation of Peterson and Peterson


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