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6. What is the episodic buffer (WMM)

  • Intergrates visual, spatial and verbal info to form memory 'episodes' in the mind.
  • Element of mind which helps individuals to remember scenes from films etc
  • Integrates verbal and auditory info to help individuals process sounds into meanings

7. Describe episodic LTM

  • explicit (conscious), include general knowledge , concepts, meanings (e.g how to spell) initial coding is in the pre-frontal and temporal lobes
  • explicit (conscious), personal experiences, initially coded in pre-frontal cortex but stored in neoortex, come together in hippocampus to form a memory episode
  • implicit (conscious), occur early in life and don't require much attention, e.g how to walk, talk, eat, etc

8. Describe procedural LTM

  • implicit (conscious), occur early in life and don't require much attention, e.g how to walk, talk, eat, etc
  • explicit (conscious), personal experiences, initially coded in pre-frontal cortex but stored in neoortex, come together in hippocampus to form a memory episode
  • explicit (conscious), include general knowledge , concepts, meanings (e.g how to spell) initial coding is in the pre-frontal and temporal lobes

9. Who brought the visual cache (visual, form and colour info) and the inner scribe (spatial info) to the visuo-spatial sketchpad and in what year?

  • Logie, 2002
  • Baddeley, 1995
  • Logie, 1995
  • Baddeley, 2000

10. what are the names of the two subsystems in the WMM?

  • articulatory loop and visuo-spatial sketchpad
  • buffer and central executive
  • Phonological loop and visuo-spatial sketchpad
  • phonological store and buffer

11. Research - Dual task studies, participants followed moving dot of light, half had to describe the angles in a hollow letter 'f' at the same time, while the other half had to do a verbal task simultaneously. The second group did both tasks better.

  • Baddeley et al (1975)
  • Gathercole and Baddeley (1993)
  • D'espositio et al (1995)
  • Baddeley and Hitch (1974)

12. what are the two parts of the phonological loop and what do they each do?

  • phonological store - verbal info e.g. speech and articulatory loop - auditory info e.g articulatory processing
  • phonological store - auditory info e.g articulatory processing and articulatory loop - verbal info e.g speech
  • phonological loop - hearing and articulatory store - speaking/verbal info

13. Who invented the MSM and what year?

  • Godden and Baddeley, 1974
  • Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1962
  • Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968
  • Baddeley and Hitch, 1974

14. Whatis the main component of the working memory model called and what does it do?

  • The central executive - higher mental processes e.g. decision making and has overall control
  • The central executive - processes auditory info
  • Buffer - higher mental processes e.g. decision making and has overall control
  • Phonological loop - processes movement and actions