Psychological Explanations of SZ

What is the Sociogenic Hypothesis?
This states that SZ is caused by social factors/life stress
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What is social selection theory?
This states there is a reverse direction of causality between class+SZ. The development of SZ and the stress etc it causes may cause people to move down a class
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What is the double-bind theory?
This theory states that the symptoms of SZ result from contradictory messages from loved ones within the family.
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What is communication deviance?
The general term used to describe communications that are difficult for ordinary people to follow, leaving them unable to share focus of attention with the speaker. E.g. using words+phrases oddly/wrongly
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What are the general principles of the cognitive approach?
1)The way that we interpret an event 2)affects the way we feel which affects 3)the way we behave in that situation
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What is Bentalls explanation of paranoid delusions?
He says people with PD have an exaggerated self serving bias. Also when negative events happen they make external-personal rather than external-situational attributions.
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What is a self serving bias?
When we explain events in a way which benefits us.
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What is a personalising bias?
An external personal attribution people with PD make, external events happened to specifically affect you.
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What is Theory of Mind? (TOM)
This is the ability to understand that other people see the world differently to you.
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How can an underdeveloped TOM lead to paranoid delusions?
It would lead to the development of a faulty thinking style, in that everything other people do or say would be about you, leading to paranoia
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What is the diathesis-stress model?
Genetics-->Predisposition to SZ-->Family communication issues-->Vunerability to SZ-->Stressful life events/environment-->SZ episode-->Cycle of the last two bc of meds, stigma, social isolation
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What is one study that challenges the sociogenic hypothesis?
Turner&Wagonfield: Found ppl with SZ are downwardly mobile in occupational status. Higher social class preceded SZ, only 4/26 in LC had fathers in the same place.
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What did research from Tienari show?
Found the 'dysfunctional' adopting family+bio.parent with SZ had the highest levels of SZ in the adopted child. Children from bio SZ parents had greater increase in disturbance in both normal and dysfunction group. Supports family issues causing SZ
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What did research from Taylor&Kinderman show?
Students with a poor TOM score made more paranoid style Ext. Personal attributions compared to those that did well on the TOM Q. Supports the link between TOM+attributions in PD
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What did research from Sprong show?
TOM scores of SZ pps were much worse than healthy pps. The 'disorganised' SZ group had much worse TOM scores, and the poor TOM was present before the disorder began. Strong evidence for the case of SZ -> a poor TOM!
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is social selection theory?


This states there is a reverse direction of causality between class+SZ. The development of SZ and the stress etc it causes may cause people to move down a class

Card 3


What is the double-bind theory?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is communication deviance?


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Card 5


What are the general principles of the cognitive approach?


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