Psychodynamic approach

  • Created by: Abbie
  • Created on: 15-06-13 10:52
Assumptions/Features of psychodynamic approach?
much of behaviour is caused by unconsious processes. Early childhood experiences determine adult personality. Personality made up of id, ego and superego and are in conflict.
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What is the ID? (structure of personality?
inherited instincts. unconsious and according to pleasure principle is selfishly seeks immediate gratification.
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What is the Ego?
The rational and conscious part of the mind. the ids demands have to be satisfied but the ego takes into account realities of life; tries to satisfy id and reduce tension. if the ids demands are too high, the ego may use defence mechanisms.
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What is the superego?
represents the internalisation of the attitudes and values of the same-sex parent. mainly unconscious. operates on morality principle. consists of ego-ideal which dicates what we should do and conscience - tells us what we shouldnt do.
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there are three layers of conscousness?
Conscious - present awarness. Pre-conscious - although unconscious now is cabale of recall. Unconscious - information which is almost impossible to bring into conscious awarness. contains repressed thoughts.
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What is meant by psychosexual stages of development?
personality develops through these. if a childs needs at any of the stages are either unsatisfied or over satisfied then fixation takes place. Behaviour patterns from the fixated stage persist into adulthood. e.g fixation in oral = dependancy
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Outline the oral stage?
0-2. Child focuses on oral pleasures. Mouth is the focal point of sensation.
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Outline the Anal stage?
2-3. Child focuses on pleasure assosiated with retaining and releasing feases. Anus is the focal point of sensation
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Outline the Phallic stage?
3-6. Child focuses on genitals. Oedipus and Electra complexes resolved. Leads to gender identity.
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Outline Latent stage?
6-12. Not really a psychosexual stage. Sexual desires are repressed; energies are challenged into social and intellectual development.
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Outline Gential stage?
12+. Adult sexual interest.
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Outline Freuds case study of 'Little Hans'?
5 year old boy who suffered from phobia of horses. Freud believed the horses symbolised his father and the fear of biting represented castration anxiety. hans had unconscious sexual desires for his mother - oedipus compelx.
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What did Erikson propose?
Psychosocial stages through which an individual passes through in their lifetime. 8 stages each present a crisis which needs to be resolved in order to deal with conflicts in subsequent stages.
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What is Trust Vs Mistrust?
Infancy (0-18months) - Children develop sense of trust when caregivers provide care lack of this leads to mistrust.
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What is Industry Vs Inferiority?
(6-11years) - children need to cope with new social and academic demands. Success leads to sense of competence while failure results in feelings of ineriority.
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What is Identity Vs Role confusion?
12-18years) - Teens need to develop a sense of self and personal identity. Success leads to an ability to stay true to yourself, while failure leads to role of confusion and a weak sense of self.
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What are similarities between Freud and Erikson?
Both believe 3 parts of personality and 3 parts of mind. Both believe stages of development are genetically determined. Both - conflicts to be resolved at each stage.
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What are differences between Freud and Erikson?
Erikson - stages of development throughout life, not just childhood. Erikson more emphasis on development of ego, Freud more interested in ID. Erikson - psychosocial Freud - Psychosexual.
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What are Strengths of the Psychodynamic approach?
emphasised imporatance of unconsious factors in determining behaviour, Draws attention to importance of childhood experience on late behaviour. still major influence in psychology - clinical areas of therapy. applied to many topics.
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What are limitations?
Based on case studies/techniques that are subjective and open to bias. unscientific. overemphasis on role of instints - unlikely all behaviour is determined by sexual drives that need to be released. Deterministic.
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Applications of Psychodynamic approach?
Gender development - successful identification with same-sex parent accounts for gender identity. Remembering/forgetting - traumatic experiences are repressed into unconscious mind.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the ID? (structure of personality?


inherited instincts. unconsious and according to pleasure principle is selfishly seeks immediate gratification.

Card 3


What is the Ego?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the superego?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


there are three layers of conscousness?


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