Psych Case Studies

  • Created by: SWAT465
  • Created on: 04-06-21 15:03
Social Influence: Conformity
Lucas - students to give answers to mathematical ProblemsConform in situation where they don't know the answer.
Asch's Line study - Showed to lines to a row of participants and tested the individual to see whether they would conform with the confederates
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Social Influence: Conformity to Social Roles
Zimbardo's prison experiment - Mock prioson experiment to see whether brutallity is casued by sadistic personalites or duie to the situation that creates such behaviour.
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Social influence: Obedience
(My Lai Massacre)

Milgram - investigate the level of obedience that would be shown when participants were told by a figure of authority to administer electric shocks to another person.
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Social Infulence: Minority Influence and Social Change
Mugny - Suggeests that felxibility is more effective at changing opinions than rigidity of arguements. Due to typically being powerless the minority must compromise their position rather tha nenforce it.
Minority that is rigid and uncompromising are viewe
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Social Influence: Resistance to social influence
Asch - Found that the presence of social support enables an individual to resit conformity under pressure from ther majority.
Allen and Levine - Studied whether the response positon of the person providing social support made any difference to a participa
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Memory: STM and LTM
Baddeley - Testing the effects of acoustic and semantically similarity on STM and LTM. Recollection of words four times with interference tasks betweeen them. They were given a 20 minute taks and were then asked to recall the words again.
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Memory: Capacity
Lloyd and Margaret Peterson - Studied the duration of STM using 24 students.
Henry Bahrick - Tested 400 people people between 17-24 and tested the LTM by seeing if they could remember the names of the poepl in their yearbook.
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Memory: EWT
Johnson and Scott- Weapons in criminal's hands attracts attention form the criminal as it causes anxiety. Witnesses' eyes are drawn from the person's character to ther weapon.
Christianson and Hubinette- Adaptive to remebre events that were emotionally si
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Memory: Forgetting
Muller and Pilzecker - A list of nonsense syllables to learn for 6 minutes and then after a retetntion interval, asked the participant to recall the lists. poorer performance then given a task durig intervening peiod. This task produced retroactive interf
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Memory: Retrieval Failure
Tulving and Thomas - Proposed memory is more effective if the information what was present at encoding was available at the time of retrieval the cue doesn't have to eb exactly the same but the closer the cue is to the original item the more useful it wil
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Attachment: Development
Shaffer and Emerson - Investigated early forms of attachment. Majority of babies became attached to their mothers and within a few weeks or months then formed secondary attachements to other family members.
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Attachment: Development
Grossman - Conducted a longitudinal study looking at both parent's behaviours and its relationship to the quality of children's attachemt in their teens. Father's quality of play is with children was related to childrens attachment in adolscence. This sug
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Attachment: Animal Studies
Lorenz - tested the process of imprinting with Geese. Process of imprinting occurs at a specific time.
Harlow - 'Learning theory is based on a feeding bond bewteen mother and infant' and demonstrated that it wasn't the case with a monkey and two different
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Attachment: Learning Theory / Explanations
John Dollard and Neal miller - Proposed caregiver infant atachemtn can be explained by learning theory. 'Cupboard love' emphasises the importance of the caregiver as a provider of food.
Sears - suggested that as caregivers provide food, the primary drive
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Attachment: Bowlby LT and Maternal Deprivation
Rejected Learning Theory and used Lorenz and Harlow for explanation
Attachmetnt was an innate system that gave a survival advantage, imprinting and attachment evolved to ensure that young animals stay close to their caregiver to protect them from hazards.
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Attachment: Types
Ainsworth: Focus of individual differences rather than focus on the universal state of attachment like Bowlby. Designed the Strange Situation to systematically test the nature of development
(3 Main behaviour patterns found)
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Attachment: Cultural Variations
Tronick - Infants at six months only showed one primary atachement (Efe Tribe form Zaire)
Grossman and Grossman - High levels of insecure attachment.
Takashi - No evidence of insecure avoidant but high insecure resistant.
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Attachment Institutionalisation
Rutter and Sonuga-Barke - Experiment on English and Romanian Adoptees: institutionalisation, refers to the effects experienced as a result of livng in an environment for a continuous period of time with little emotional support.
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Attachement: Early Attachment
Hazan and Philip Shaver conducted a classic study to choose which of three statements decribed their feelings.
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Psychopathology: Deviation from Ideal Mental Health.
Jahoda - idea of defining abnormality, She identified six major criteria for helthy living which she argued would lead to the promotion of psychological health and well being.
However according to her list the majority of people are abnormal.
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Psychopathology: Biological Explanation to OCD
Nestadt - Found that people with afirst degree realtive of OCD is 5 times more likely to develop OCD over the course of their lives, when compared with non identical twins.
Billet - Conducted meta data analysis and found identical twins were twice as more
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Psychopathology: Explantion Depression
Beck - Negative Triad, person with depresiionthoughts were biased toards negative interpretations. Acccording to his theory, its the maintenace of the triad that leads to the developmetn and amaintence of depresion.
Ellis - ABC model, explain the differne
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Psychopatholgy Cognitive Treatment of Depresion
Alloy and Abrahamson- Depressive realists tend to see things the way they are. depressed people gave mote accurate estimate of likelihoods of disaster.
Elkin - CBT is less suitable with those that have high levels of irrational beliefs that are rigid and
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Zimbardo's prison experiment - Mock prioson experiment to see whether brutallity is casued by sadistic personalites or duie to the situation that creates such behaviour.


Social Influence: Conformity to Social Roles

Card 3


(My Lai Massacre)

Milgram - investigate the level of obedience that would be shown when participants were told by a figure of authority to administer electric shocks to another person.


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Card 4


Mugny - Suggeests that felxibility is more effective at changing opinions than rigidity of arguements. Due to typically being powerless the minority must compromise their position rather tha nenforce it.
Minority that is rigid and uncompromising are viewe


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Card 5


Asch - Found that the presence of social support enables an individual to resit conformity under pressure from ther majority.
Allen and Levine - Studied whether the response positon of the person providing social support made any difference to a participa


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