Other questions in this quiz

2. what does a phonological frame do?

  • specifies the sequences of morphemes needed to form a word
  • specifies the sequence of consonants and vowels needed to form a word
  • specifies the sequence of verbs and nouns needed to form a sentence
  • specifies the sequence of phonemes needed to form a sentence

3. the full alphabetic phase is when...

  • children can read words they have never seen before
  • the lexical identification route is fully developed
  • children learn a link between salient visual features of a word and either how it sounds, or what it means.
  • children acquire partial knowledge of grapheme-phoneme conversion correspondences

4. syntactic ambiguity refers to...

  • when sentence structure is unclear
  • when word meaning is unclear

5. what is the consonant-vowel rule?

  • vowels never swap, but consonants do
  • consonants only swap with consonants, and vowels with vowels
  • consonants never swap, but vowels do
  • consonants can swap with consonants or vowels


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