Properties of Metals


1. Why do metals have similar properties because of this structure?

  • The structure of positive ions and free electrons creates a 'sea' of delocalised electrons, causing them to be good conductors of electricity/insoluble/malleable.
  • The structure of positive ions and free electrons creates a 'sea' of delocalised ions, causing them to be bad conductors of electricity/soluble/malleable.
  • The structure of negative atoms and free electrons creates a 'sea' of delocalised atoms that bounce into each other and spread things, meaning the properties are the same as the atoms function the same in all metals.
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2. What are the similar properties of transition metals?

  • They have high melting points and form very colourful compounds.
  • They have low melting points and are all poisonous solids and liquids at room temperature.
  • They have very high melting and boiling points and form very reactive compounds.
  • They are very soft and can be cut with a knife and form colourless compounds.

3. Where are metals found on the periodic table?

  • Metals are found on the right and middle of the table as most elements are metals so they take up a lot of room.
  • Metals are on the left and right of the table, but most elements aren't metals so they don't take up much space.
  • Metals are on the left and middle of the table, as most elements are metal so they take up a lot of space.
  • Metals cover the whole of the table, as all of the elements are metals.

4. What are the main two properties of all metals?

  • They conduct electricity well and they're malleable.
  • They are soluble and hard.
  • They don't conduct electricity and are very soft.
  • They are insoluble and very malleable.

5. What is the structure of metals?

  • They consist of a regular arrangement of atoms held together with ionic bonds.
  • They consist of a regular lattice structure resulting in a giant structure of negative ions and trapped electrons.
  • They consist of a regular arrangement of atoms held together with metallic bonds.
  • They consist of an irregular arrangement of ions held together with metallic bonds.


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